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315 tonight (7/14) WTF??

El Karacho1647545492

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What the fuck was going on?? I was on my way to my friend's new place right off Ackerman, and between 670 and Ackerman I saw a total of 7 cops with lights on pulling people over (to and from trips combined). Anyone know wtf? It looked kinda like they were pulling over cars that might've been racing.
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Guest powers
Not sure but I now drive 315 end to end pretty much every day, and there have been cops in places I have never seen them before. Mostly on the southern sections of 315. Hospital curve south all the way to the 70 split. There were cops on bikes lined up all shooting lidar yesterday morning at ackerman.
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315 is kind of notorious for getting 'races' and just people who speed in general. 670 is the same way, along that 670 to 315 area, hardly anyone is moving 55. I always keep it slow through there because i'm just waiting on the days they crack down.
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Guest powers
315 is kind of notorious for getting 'races' and just people who speed in general. 670 is the same way, along that 670 to 315 area, hardly anyone is moving 55. I always keep it slow through there because i'm just waiting on the days they crack down.

I have not noticed many cops later in the evening, mostly during the day.


Why do you have Phil's car in your sig?

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