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Dock Dogs!


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So I just got back from vacation down at Lake Burton, GA with my neighbors, his aunt has a place on the lake down there. For those who don't know, it's one of the "Georgia Power Authority Lakes" where you lease the land, you don't own it. The place itself isn't that great (built in the 50's or 60's, I believe) but it's on a great spot and the water/lake is beautiful. She's actually been offered over $1 Million just to have the right to lease this spot! :eek:


Anyway, they have a great jumping dock for my yellow labs. Here is a video of Molly, who jumps the best, but hesitates before she jumps, and here is a video of her sister Sandi, who jumps poorly, but hits the water hard and doesn't let up.


I've decided to enter them into the Dock Dogs competition that's coming to Allen County in August. While they won't place, it will be fun to do. Anyone watch those compeitions on TV? I'll have a couple of the older dogs there at just 6 years old. Most of the dogs are like 2 - 3 years old, but mine look about that age. It should be a good time. :)


Anyone done a competition like this before with their dogs? :confused:

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Guest crx34

I couldn't see the video but its probably my computer. How far can they jump? The competition are pretty fun, but some off those people are lttle crazy when comes to there dogs and the compitions. I try to watch if I notice its on tv.


I entered my dog in a frisbee contest once, for distance not freestyle where they jump off the owners back and what not. She placed third. It was a town compition for fun, no prizes accept for a small plaque. There were around 200 people. I probably would have won but me standing infront of 200 people equals legs shaking uncontrollably not being able to throw the frisbee.

Still a fun time.

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I couldn't see the video but its probably my computer. How far can they jump?


Molly can jump about 10 - 12 feet, Sandi maybe half that. Nothing great. Molly has form, but no intensity; Sandi has intensity, but no form. I don't expect either to go very far, but it will still be fun and I've always wanted to do it... :)

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