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thoughts on capitol punishment


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I saw that a VA man was condemned to death tonight http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060720/ap_on_re_us/virginia_execution_2;_ylt=AnEx2SutL9H4uQCNEGSiCStH2ocA;_ylu=X3oDMTA2ZGZwam4yBHNlYwNmYw--


and I was wondering what some of your thoughts were on this. I'm on the fence with the matter... part of me says, they get what they deserve, but the other part says, who's to prove that they actually did it (innocent people comdemned to death... it's happened before I'm sure) or who says that we are any better than they are... we are doing the same thing... and if you don't think that the electric chair hurts than you are crazy... or if you don't think that lethal injection hurts... I understand that they deserve servere punishment.... but... who are we to play god?

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This is kind of a damned if you do, damned if you don't topic.


I like the old eye for an eye method, but then you get the innocient people involved and it gets hard to talk about. Especially since we all know our court system is crooked and anyone with enough money can get away with anything.


I do like how they gave him the choice between the chair and the injection though.

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I'm all for it with a twist, I think that a murder should go out the same way they commited the murder, kind of taste of your own medicine deal. You stab some one fifty time and leave them there to suffer, they should get the same deal. The electric chair and injections are the easy way out.
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You're correct I'm more focused on the one found Guilty confessed to the murder and have no remorse for it.


The fact of the matter is, there's something like an estimated 13 people on death row right now that are innocent (if stats prove correct). Figure half of them actualy are. Killing them is wrong. Killing killers in not neccesary.


anti: 1

pro: 0

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Killing killers may be unnecessary, but using taxpayer dollars to give them 3 square meals a day with cable television is also unnecessary. If there is, beyond any shadow of a doubt (whether by confession, multiple witnesses, or unrefutable evidence) proof that someone is a murderer and/or child molester and/or rapist by premeditated and willful execution of their actions, regardless of mental health, they should fry. I think that the conditions and terms of use for the death penalty need to be increased significantly, but consequently the time for and allowance of appeals should be reduced significantly (so as to not waste state resources).



My guess would be that 99.9% of CR members do not sponsor one of those kids in third-world countries that you can feed and medicate for $.18 a day (Benz Guy, I'm looking at you), so why would you feel comfortable paying taxes that contribute to sustaining a killer/child molester/rapist.

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You're correct I'm more focused on the one found Guilty confessed to the murder and have no remorse for it.

Ok, and it's this I'm torn about:

*Such individuals are no longer classified as "human" in my book. They forfeit their humanity when the commit the act (or order the act, in some cases).


*But, deciding who lives and who dies is not my job. Families of the victims want the death penalty out of anger. This is not something we should condone as a modern society, it's barbaric.


My propsed solution, lock them up and study them. A corpse is worthless.

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Ok, and it's this I'm torn about:

*Such individuals are no longer classified as "human" in my book. They forfeit their humanity when the commit the act (or order the act, in some cases).


*But, deciding who lives and who dies is not my job. Families of the victims want the death penalty out of anger. This is not something we should condone as a modern society, it's barbaric.


My propsed solution, lock them up and study them. A corpse is worthless.


A turd that's sitting in a jail cell that we all are paying for is worthless. I really dont see a need to study these people. Most have a chemical imbalance, sure Drugs could take care of it but who's gonna make them take it. Some just snap from depression.

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A turd that's sitting in a jail cell that we all are paying for is worthless. I really dont see a need to study these people.

That's why you're not a shrink. ;)

The cost of feeding and housing them till death is less then the cost of their public defenders during the appeal proccess.

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Current example: Guy just arrestedfor raping a 17 month old child and then killing him.

He got his ass beat in his cell immediately before his bail hearing. No matter what you do, in jail, they will find out what you did. He's on suicide watch now. The worst thing you can do to this guy is give him life in prison.

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The cost of feeding and housing them till death is less then the cost of their public defenders during the appeal proccess.


Inmate at Mansfield - $57.73 / day

That's $21,072.25 / year.

That's $1,053,612.50 for 50 years.


I have no idea what the appeals process costs. It's hard to believe it's over a million dollars.


EDIT - Youngstown - $157.67 / day

That's $57,549.20 / year.

That's $2,877,460 for 50 years.


I've done A LOT of soul searching this year about life. Up until this year, I would have replied with a huge pro death penalty vote. I have mixed thoughts now.

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