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Police Hiring: Bull$hit


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Now this is the kind of shit that pisses me off.

Knowing QUITE WELL that probably ALL big cities in this country have a "Minority recruiting unit" JUST like Columbus does. Even sitting down in the open house meeting they say "were a minority recruiting unit". For this already hired officer to say he was passed up for promotions for a better qualified officer just seriously pisses me off.

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Yea, I find it really annoying how black people get real racist when they get passed up for stuff when it has nothing to do with color. Why is it a black man can call you a white boy, but when you say something about them being black they call you racist.


I love that article you posted John. It gives only his side of the story. The author doesn't do shit to post anything from the otherside. For all we know he could be the one making the racist statments.


But even though this shit still happens everyday, you have to feel bad for people who actually get stuck in that kind of position that don't deserve it.

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Racial discrimination exists, unfortunately.


Affirmative action isn't the right way to compensate for it.

I agree 100%. Altho expressing this thought for discussion in 2 different classes at Capital got me a D and an F. The wonderful world of different schools of thought :eyeroll:



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You know, affirmative action may not be the right way to compensate for it, but it sure does get peoples attention..



true the typically its the not the attention you want. AA has its heart in the right place but its poorly executed. but until something better comes along what can you do.

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