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Story time.


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This is funny as hell to me and thought I'd share it.


I was on Henderson the other day heading toward Riverside Dr. There is a merge right after the Wendy's and the right lane ends. I was in the right lane. I'm coming up to the merge and check the left lane, plenty of room. I signal for the turn and the car that was 100 yards back gets up there and purposely blocks me. I have a truck in front of me and he is making a right hand turn. So I hit the brakes and get behind this tool bag. Truck turns and now there is a small area of the merge left open. I'm pissed at this guy, so I passed him in the merge and get in front of him. I look in my rear view just in time to see the wife in the passenger seat, looking like Yoko Ono, Slap the shit out of this guy and start chewing him out. Her hand jesters were pretty clear that she was telling him he was being an asshole to me. She pointed to my car a few times as if saying I had room and signaled. The couple was well into their 70's. She was yelling at him all the way to Sawmill Rd.

It was very gratifying to see. The hit was almost like she bitch slapped him.

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I was pretty happy to see it go down like that. I was in the Subaru and not driving like an ass or anything like that. Signaling before a lane change is a pet peeve of mine, so I consider myself a pretty courteous driver compared to most. This guy was blatantly being a dick.


I just got my camera mount for the car in the mail today. I would have loved to have caught that on film.

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