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The Descent *spoilers*


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I love horror movies and all but jeebus this was bad, in my opinion atleast. The acting was pretty good but the character models for some of the creatures were so unscary and stupid that it takes away from the whole film. Everyone in the theatre would start laughing every time one of the main chacracters fought off one of the creatues that was stocking them. The plot was predictable and some of the character-made decisions make me question the human race.


For anyone who saw this film, what was the ending all about? Juno suddenly appears in the car but I thought she died? If she was a ghost what relevance does that even have to the plot? I read alot of reviews afterwards and all the critics I read were ravign about how amazing of a horror film it was.

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well what kind of horror was it? Some folk are wigged out by quiet, rather then gore.


Caves are quiet, especialy if your alone, dont even have to be far from the opening to feel creeped out.

Well the beginning of the movie was sort of creepy and nerve-tensing but once the human creatures were brought in, the movie became very loud and gory. It wasn't secretive anymore and the producers didn't care to conceal anything making it more an action move then anything.

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this movie was straight garbage. most of the ppl in the movie theatre were laughing and making fun of the movie almost the whole time it was on. shitty acting,shitty creatures, shitty plot. only reason we went to this movie was that the will ferrel movie was sold out
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i liked it

it was shake in your shoes scarey, but it had a few real good "JUMP out and scare the shit outta you" scenes

after the evolved humanoids were shown it became more of a "mind fuck" scarey

like where she has to sit there with the night vision video cam and watch them eat her friend and not make any noise or she's woulda been next


and i believe she saw Juno at the end because she was already loosing her mind after her husband and daughter died "hearing little girls playing", that after she got out and realized what she did to Juno she started hallucinating (sp?) even more

so i think it was just her concience fucking with her for basically killing Juno

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