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9 peice home audio digital 5.1 surround sound system


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Na sorry, I'll be honest, I don't know if I could really part with it for $200 but that'd def be the lowest price I would even entertain. Even at that though I am not too sure I'd part with it for that low of a price. It is completely un opened and it worth $3,200, I'm lookin to give someone a steal but not lookin to just completely give it away.
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thanks for all the sarcasm and all but it's really not that complicated, nothing is stolen or any other b.s, if you're interested then fine, if not then you don't have to post, thanks.


You have posted, "they have won many awards for being the best." Can you give more details?


The link you posted goes to a site that sells NOTHING "Elite" brand name. They sell Legacy, Hitachi, etc. What site sells Elite items?


Edit - And please send pics to nurkvinny@yahoo.com.



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There. Thread cleaned up. You have not answered any of my above questions.


Also, you have posted point-blank, "It is literally worth $3,200".


You posted it, not us. From what I can see, this is not true. Please show ANY kind of proof, or this gets locked.

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yes this does work w/ a dvd player, and to make it clear, this was given to me as a gift a while back, i was gonna keep it for when i got a new TV, but i am not goin to be able to get one for some time, i can't spend money like that, i literally have somethin around a 12" or so TV, it's really small and it's liek 15 years old, i have no desire to hook up a surround sound system to it, i'd rather just get some money for it. if no one is interested then i will just end up keeping it, anyone is welcome to come look at it esp. if u r interested in buying it. it has been opened now to show one person who was interested, unfortunately they were lookin for somethin w/ a dif type of receiver. if u r interested this is a hell of a deal, any offers will be entertained, just keep in mind i am not lookin to give it away, just give a good deal to someone. i will ask that if u r not someone who is interested then please just don't post on this thread, thank u. i have listed all the info about this item, if u have anymore questions just come look at it for urself.
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- You made claims this retailed for $3200, and can not back it up.

- You made claims this brand has "won a lot of awards for being the best", and can not back it up.

- You link to a site that has nothing to do with this brand.

- Instead of answering any questions, you cut and paste your reply from another thread.


This thread is locked.

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