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ok ive been reading all of this since the first thread was posted. YES ive only seen posts about selling things. YES, maybe this is a bad item. BUT is he really causing harm to anyone right now...... did he recieve money for it and not give the item? NO. honestly its probably not a great system or maybe it is. who knows. but if i started a thread and people shat on it that were not interested i probably would have been a little pissed too. ive been a member on CR since i believe 2001 my junior year in hs when i used to post all the time during study hall. i think a lot of people on this thread have a complex where they feel the need to shit on ppl. 90% of the time its done in good fun and in a friendly mannor. but my god some people on here take things a little too seriously.


the real fact of this whole thing is this, is he selling faulty fake items continuously? ive seen a lot of the things he sells. and i havent seen a complaint yet. this is the first anyone has said anything about. and no one has seen the product to make claims about it. nor has he been tagged as a bad seller. and now in the kitchen he has stated his peace with the matter. if he came across this item and its not superior then fine. it is both the buyers and sellers responsibility to inspect the item before they buy. and he is offering for buyers to inspect it and make offers. YES maybe he was mislead in what he has i dont know i havent looked at it and i dont know enough about stereos or entertainment centers to make that call. but he stated buyers are welcome to come look at it. there is no harm in this. i dont see a reason to go all BAN happy with this. if he has done such wrong to the ppl on this board on a first offense....... i think a warning is in order not a ban. work it out like civilized people. cant we all just get a long.


Maybe I'm a n00b and I'm not allowed to have an opinion but here it is...


I agree with THE BOSS...



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19 posts and knows the way around the kitchen some of us who have been around for a while are here to help out and protect are follow members. He mentions a diamond earring and a item hes asking 1500$ for... I think that alone is enough to set off a few alarms in my books



also when you don't even fucking say hello on the board thats a great way to get started.

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i speak every language especially idiot. being thats what everyone in the above posts speaks. and if i didnt i woudlnt be able to communicate with half the people on this board. LOLZ jk guys. basically he feels he hasnt really done anything wrong and apologises if he has. im not a admin nor do i have a desire to be, but this particular thread is one of those in which SENSELESS flamming and not taking in the facts is happening. personally this thread needs locked for lack of facts with peoples flames. i realise this is THE KITCHEN. but if u are going to flame someone take in respect to all sides of the story before your comments. being that this thread really is going no where and has a seriouse lack of decent argument, i feel my two cents is no longer needed. all see you guys later in the PICS AND VIDS, looking for decent porn. peace
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i've been a member for a long time, no need to say hello every time i wanna post somethin, and my goodness does anyone actually READ what other people post or is everyone just so driven on their own views that they just wanna keep fighting?? read any of my posts about this topic, yes i ASKED 1500 for the system, seemed reasonable, BUT did i DEMAND 1500?? no i simply said i'd LIKE to get 1500 for but ANY offers would be considered, my goodness. try paying close attention to other people's posts so u aren't costantly beating a dead horse everytime u post.


(there i made a paragraph for all the people that can't handle reading a bunch of words unless there r huge spaces between some of the words even tho it's all the same amount of reading) at this point for anyone to get on here and continue to post all the same things that everyone else has already posted 10 times over on this thread is just retarded. every point of view has been expressed and everything has been addressed. everyone who is gettin on here to defend their "fellow members", who r u deffending against?? no one is attacking anyone. i DID NOT nor did i even TRY to rip anyone off. for the last time. everyone needs to freakin calm down about the whole stupid thing. i myself am a "fellow member" have been for some time. for people to continue sayin i did somethin wrong or i'm just being shady or w/e is so dumb. i didn't do anything wrong. at least there r a FEW intelligant people on this thread that have actually READ what i had to say and r able to UNDERSTAND where i'm coming from......to everyone else flame on senselessly all u want, i'm w/ THE BOSS, i love porn

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Nobody with any powers has said a word about banning.


Nobody ever claimed the item was "made up".


The seller has stated his side and e-mailed me pics of the item.


The only screw up was him posting a link to a site that in no way was related to Elite components.


End of story. Start new for sale threads if you wish and the BS replies will not be tolerated.

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When you put in R instead of ARE, and w/e (whatever?) U, (you), it makes shit impossible to read. are you that lazy that you can't put in a few extra letters to make a REAL word? This isn't myspace dude. LOLOMGGTFO :rolleyes:
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