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PS2 Problems


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I was wondering if anyone has ever encountered this? My kids use the PS2 now and I got them the game cars, my old PS2 would not allow me to save it. Got new memory card still would not let save, took game back got new game still could not save, bought new PS2 the little one and it finally worked. However now my kids are playing spongebob on the new game and it saved fine at first but now it will not save at all on either memory card. I have noticed that the new PS2 runs hot is this a problem? The game plays fine but will not allow them to save. Starting to piss off my 6 yr old and 4yr old not to mention daddy who foots the bill for all the games and game systems. Some help please!!


Thanks SAW

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Yea, keep the ps2 off the carpet and the likes. Only play on a hard surface. I did have one game that would overheat the ps2 so when I played it, I put a icepack on it. (One that doesn't leak of course.) That shouldn't affect the saving of games, though. Be sure to check and see if the memory card has space on it. One other thing, did you buy Sony brand memory cards or an another brand for the sony ps2?
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The first memoery card is my old one and have had for 6 years all my games on it still have room its a mad catz. the new one is max memory 16 mb with one game of my kids game cars on it, practicly empty. The mini PS2 is new and the max memory card is new and should not need cleaned unless its messed up. Thanks for the help will look into it and call sony.
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Old one? You mean like for PS1? Because you cant save PS2 games with a PS1 memory card. As for the max memory one, take that back to the store and buy a proper one. They are shit, ive owned one in the past.



No its the org PS2 that was out before the slim design

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I have the original brick PS2 and the newer thin PS2. The old one would not save one the kids game so ibought a new one. Just talked to sony he said try a new memory card the max memory is shit, waste of 25 bucks.
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That's the reason I asked about the brand of memory card. Only buy the Sony memory cards. I've experienced other brands and they are not trustworthy. I've had some that worked fine and other that would periodically corrupt my saves, completely erase, or just plain not work out of the blue. By some Sony ones, try copying over your old saves to the new memory card and then just save those for backups. Sony will tell you they probably don't support those memory cards. But yea, I'd talk to them anyway just to see what they say.
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