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September 11 : The Movie *spoiler*

Kevin R.

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Ok, the girl wanted to go see this tonight, so we went. I didn't know it was even out and have heard nothing about it. I understand this is a touchy subject, but I am saying this from an entertainment/informative stand point.


This movie was neither.


If someone knew little or nothing about 9/11, they would leave this movie thinking two people got trapped underground, and were rescued by millions of cops.


That is basically the whole 2 hours of the movie.


It did not make it out to be a huge tragedy. It did not show the devastation. It did not show anything to be honest. This is because nothing happened in the whole movie. The planes crashing, buildings falling, and the devastation of the event was covered in the first 5 minutes, with the rest showing 2 police trapped underground talking, seeing Jesus, and having flashbacks from loving their wives.


Basically, I have seen better films of 9/11 on the internet. I think they could have conveyed it better, especially with making a movie of it so soon and being such a touchy subject.


So. See it if you must. Drink a redbull before you go.


Lets clear a few things up.

Object A: Its not called "September 11: The Movie", its called "World Trade Center"

Object B: The point of the story is NOT to explain what happened on 9/11, its the story of a trapped dude, 2 more specifically.

Object C: It wasnt meant to show the devastation, the planes crashing, the building falling, ect.

Object D: Sure there are better 9/11 films on the internet, but this isnt a 9/11 film. Its a story about a guy and his homie trapped under a lot of shit.

Object E: Its a survival story, at best


Now you don't even have to read the rest of this thread. /endthread

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Lets clear a few things up.


Object A: Its not called "September 11: The Movie", its called "World Trade Center"

Object B: The point of the story is NOT to explain what happened on 9/11, its the story of a trapped dude, 2 more specifically.

Object C: It wasnt meant to show the devastation, the planes crashing, the building falling, ect.

Object D: Sure there are better 9/11 films on the internet, but this isnt a 9/11 film. Its a story about a guy and his homie trapped under a lot of shit.

Object E: Its a survival story, at best.

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Lets clear a few things up.


Object A: Its not called "September 11: The Movie", its called "World Trade Center"

Object B: The point of the story is NOT to explain what happened on 9/11, its the story of a trapped dude, 2 more specifically.

Object C: It wasnt meant to show the devastation, the planes crashing, the building falling, ect.

Object D: Sure there are better 9/11 films on the internet, but this isnt a 9/11 film. Its a story about a guy and his homie trapped under a lot of shit.

Object E: Its a survival story, at best.


seriously... +1


although i wish they would make a bigscreen movie all about 9/11.

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So I hope you've never seen any WWII, Vietnam or any other movies of this nature?


I didn't watch those events on TV. I didn't expirence them first hand (via TV).


Personally to me flight 93 more so the WTC plays on the countrys emotions and for some people makes them relive events that are still fresh to them. I personally can't compare a movie that was made about events 30 to 50 years ago to a one that was just 5 years ago. YOur comparing apples to organes IMO. Now I'm not trying to brush off WWII or Nam in any way both events helped shape America on how it is today just like 9/11 did.


All I'm saying is they should have waitied longer to make the movies out of respect. How long should they have waited I don't know but 5 years to me wasn't long enough.



off topic

OH did you get your toy yet???



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I have seen WWII movies and others but I wasn't alive during these events. I will not see this movie just because I really do not want to relive that day. It was a horrible day in American history. Everyone witnessed in person or on TV over 3000 deaths, in an hour’s time. To honor the brave Police officers and fireman and building workers that helped others get out is great. But all proceeds from this film should go to the families, (I have heard some money is going to them) the production companies should take a hit and lose money for making it.


So again I want to say that I just don't want to revisit that sad day and can't understand why anyone would want to revisit that sad day. If you lived through it and saw the pictures I saw that day, people jumping from the 110th story because they didn't want to burn alive. I can not even Fathom having to make that decision. Lord have mercy on their souls.....

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Uh.... If it isn't about the World Trade center, then uh... Why the fuck isn't it called "Some dude and his homie trapped under some steel girders and shit talking to jesus?"




Basically, it seemed to me as if they labeled this movie World Trade Center only to interest those who want to see a 9/11 based movie to go see it. When, in reality, the movie had not much to do with the day, was only about 2 people, and wasn't even interesting/informative. Those are all things one would expect when going in to see it.


why so some jerk can make more money off 9/11.


This is kind of my point. It seems they just "put together" something and labeled it using a 9/11 reference enticing people to go see it as almost a marketing ploy.


Just thought of something else.


Those of you who are saying you do not want to relive the day..that may be exactly why the movie didn't go too much in depth on the events of 9/11, and only focused on this one. I think they had to be very careful of the viewers and be politically correct. My 2 cents.

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Guest MissTypeS

Schindler's List was made 48 years after World War II. I realize there were other movies created before then, however it was really the first film that reached the American public in such a massive way. It is a beautifully done, captivating and extremely educational film that borderlined on documentary about the events that took place during the Holocaust. It needed to be made, both so that generations after could understand what happened and before the survivors died of old age, and I can totally respect that.


Hollywood decided to wait FIVE years to remind Americans about what happend on 9/11. As if we've already forgotten and needed a reminder. Not only is that ridiculous in my mind, I'm also pretty unimpressed by what I've heard about the movie so far- I mean if you're going to make a movie about the events of 9/11, why not do the best you can to show what actually happened? Sounds like they totally bastardized the tragedy and turned it into more of an action movie. Ugh. I'm saving my $9.


And now I step down from my soapbox, thanks.

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The people have forgotten 9/11 and it didn't take 5 years for it to happen. Probably took more like 12 months tops for around 50% of the people. A number of that half most likely care more about things that effect there lives and/or pop culture than what goes on in the world around them. Just a sad truth.



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i saw the movie and thought is was very tasteful...considering it was an Oliver Stone movie...he's usually pretty brutal.


anyways, i went in with the same attitude most of you are portraying, that i wasn't ready for a movie about 9/11 and they shouldn't have made this movie....blah blah blah. it didn't have much to do with the planes striking the towers like said above, it's called WTC if you don't remember the timeline of how everything happened the movie doesn't make much sense...it was a survival story but they were trying to show that good things happened that day too, how people can come together and actually help one another.


they also donated 10% to the WTC Foundation for the first few opening days, which was a nice bonus that many people probably overlooked and would rather see Johnny Depp play a gay pirate.


anywho, there's not much better at the movies now anyways, go see it, re-kindle your anger for terrorism. =P

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I wasnt trying to push anyone's buttons, just trying to make my point. People are taking this movie the wrong way.


I understand. Basically i was just trying to seem knowledgable when I really wanted to just say "the movie sucked".


I don't see how this movie was "tasteful" at all. You think you are finally getting somewhere and something will happen when Jesus comes on with a bottle of water. Tasteful..meh..not quite.

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