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"Preacher" by Garth Ennis(writer) & Steve Dillon(artist)


I read this quite sometime ago after picking up the compilations. This is an incredible read with the right kinda guy penciling. Trust me, you'll like it. Those of you familiar with Ennis knows about the awards earned and other books this man has created.


"Transmetropolitan" by Warren Ellis & Darick Robertson


Another good read and nominated for many awards. Many similarities to our political situations and a possiblity of the future. I received these from a friend a month or two ago and have almost completed it. I wasn't too sure I would enjoy it, but after starting, it happens to be very good.


It is much too hard to try to give a good summary of these two comics and do them justice. Preacher is my favorite of the two, however. Whether you like comics or not (this is NOT a "Superman" comic and is intended for mature readers), reading at all, or any other damn thing I can't think of right now, you owe it to yourself. Not too many actual books, etc will make you think that much.


These may be available on various torrent sites, but if you dl them and enjoy their work, plz show your appreciation by purchasing some of their work.


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