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Rally Pat

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I'm sure you'll complain again that you are being picked on :rolleyes:


you're god damn right.


STAY OUT OF FOR SALE THREADS WITH THESE COMMENTS! I am tired of cleaning up your bullshit posts. Adding, "as a potential buyer" before your comments don't cut it.


how the fuck else am I supposed to show interested in something? learn how to read.




Dont threaten me just because you cant read, and I suggest you learn the difference between a developing business deal and thread crapping.


Good day.

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That was not a threat. It was your last warning.


For everyone else, here is the history about Pat and for sale threads. The mods have 4 documented times where we have had to step in and edit his bullshit posts. That's about 3 more than we should have had to.


He was warned 3 previous times about the exact same thing.


And just for people thinking I got involved in a "developing" anything, here is what I deleted -



"I would be interested, but that price is way to god damn high. I could buy a DSM and mod it for that much. Not thread crapping, but god damn. I would like to buy it but thats too much.


In my honest opinion, again as a potential buyer, its worth $500 at the most. And thats pushing it....heavily pushing it....."



We will continue to delete ALL posts like that without hesitation.

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I think Pat is right here, vinny needs back the fuck up and mind his own business. I think until the thread starter complains then he should step in, until then, slow your roll......


My 'business', as it relates to CR, is to moderate threads. That moderation does not have to be between thread starter and thread crapper.


The previous times I deleted Pat's posts I did so because the sellers complained about him.

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"but that price is way to god damn high. I could buy a DSM and mod it for that much. Not thread crapping,"


Uhh yeah thats thread crapping alright...

If you feel the need to publically degrade someones item they have for sale, DON'T.


Pretty simple rule....


If you want call the person and talk to them about it seriously.


I don't know how many damn times you've been warned about this dude.

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thats a mods right and to be honest its about time somebody stops some of these idiots........... if your not gonna or wanna pay the price then dont post just to start shit!!!!!!!!

goodjob vin


I wasnt posting just to start shit. I am interested in the car. I was trying to talk him down from his price, but obviously haggling must not be allowed here. And I havent posted in one single thread in any of the sales forums giving my input for something I havent had interest in since the first time Ive done it. There is definately some flawed judgement around here.

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Dont threaten me just because you cant read, and I suggest you learn the difference between a developing business deal and thread crapping.


Good day.

You can develop a business deal by PM to the seller without shitting on someones thread. What the fuck do you and the other dip shits get outta fucking up FS threads, does it get you off? Jr. trust me if a price is to high it won't sell people on CR don't need your vast experience from the over 17 years you graced this planet stfu and go back to your regular scheduled gaming stuff.
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You can develop a business deal by PM to the seller without shitting on someones thread. What the fuck do you and the other dip shits get outta fucking up FS threads, does it get you off? Jr. trust me if a price is to high it won't sell people on CR don't need your vast experience from the over 17 years you graced this planet stfu and go back to your regular scheduled gaming stuff.


Another person who cant read.


I wasnt trying to sway anyone else's judgement about the car except the sellers.


It doesnt matter now, though. I am done talking about it.

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I have have bought things for less than posted on here the way you do it and not look like a dick is say something to the effect of "Pm me if this does not sell soon so we can discuss price" Becouse the seller will for sure sell it first to someone at his price before comingdown to yours but if you play it cool and chill/ let him find that it will not sell at "Holy shit" prices then they will get with you and you can discuss it then. The WAY you said that you are interested but are a cheap ass is what vin is warning you for.
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Another person who cant read.


Pat, you and I are cool, so I'll try to be diplomatic about this. You are starting to skate out on very thin ice with some of your comments. First you went after Vinny, and now you're making smartass comments to TJ, both of whom have been around a while are very well respected around here. A great way to make yourself the victim of an e-beating. What's worse is that, well, it seems like they're right - from what I can gather, you were shitting in those threads, and no amount of "hey, I said I was an interested buyer so I can say whatever I want" will justify it.


It doesnt matter now, though. I am done talking about it.


Dude, you don't start a thread in The Kitchen, flame someone publically, and then just take your metaphorical ball and go home. Come on, what did you expect was going to happen?


EDIT: Alex beat me to the "ball and going home" reference. Great minds must think alike (or maybe morons just have a tendency to gravitate together). :)

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Pat, you and I are cool, so I'll try to be diplomatic about this. You are starting to skate out on very thin ice with some of your comments. First you went after Vinny, and now you're making smartass comments to TJ, both of whom have been around a while are very well respected around here. A great way to make yourself the victim of an e-beating. What's worse is that, well, it seems like they're right - from what I can gather, you were shitting in those threads, and no amount of "hey, I said I was an interested buyer so I can say whatever I want" will justify it.




Dude, you don't start a thread in The Kitchen, flame someone publically, and then just take your metaphorical ball and go home. Come on, what did you expect was going to happen?


EDIT: Alex beat me to the "ball and going home" reference. Great minds must think alike (or maybe morons just have a tendency to gravitate together). :)





Thank You Dr....


Now, if you can just look at this foot fungus issue lol

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I am interested in the car. I was trying to talk him down from his price, but obviously haggling must not be allowed here.


You are either a liar, or the worst haggler ever.


And I havent posted in one single thread in any of the sales forums giving my input for something I havent had interest in since the first time Ive done it. There is definately some flawed judgement around here.


All previous threads in question are listed in the Admin section, chief. You are again a liar, or have a very poor memory.


I don't care if you had interest or not. The rules are posted very clearly. So, to quote a brilliant CR member, "learn to read".


There is definately some flawed judgement around here.


I agree 110%.

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My $.02


Pat, you're an alright guy. But, I've told Vince that #5 will see you with a Perma-Ban. I've banned you before, and warned you before. Yet, I let you back on the agreement that you would PM the person selling the item if you had a disagreement with their price or whatever.


Honestly, this IS your last chance, point blank. Use PMs and your best judgement, it's not your place to pick apart someone's shit because you want to voice your opinion.


Be cool about this, because there won't be a next time and I really hate losing established CR people. Thanks :)

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