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Anyone charge A/C?

Kevin R.

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Looking for someone who can do this or works at a place that does it. Basically looking for a price right now.


The people who repaired my core support took lines off and let all of the freon leak out, and right now I am not even sure if they connected them back properly, so it could still have a leak. I am guessing whoever does it can check pressure?


Not sure.


Let me know if anyone can do it and how much.


Thanks in advance.

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You need a vacum pump to drap the air out of you A/C system and boil the water out of the lines (even one drop will find its way to the expansion tip in the evaporator and freeze)

Once you have a good vac in the lines, let it sit and see if it holds the vacum. If it does, put in the recomended charge (should be on a sticker under the hood or on the pump)

Remember to put the oil in first, then the recomended amount of freon. You can get the kit with the charging hose and a few cans of 134a at meijer and wally world for $30ish. Get the charge hose with the pressure gauge (like $5 extra) so you dont over or under fill the system.

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i have a vacuum pump and gauges and not some cheep shit either, the shop i used to work for didn't have that stuff so i bought it and when i went to work at the dealer i didn't need but i kept it so i could make some side money.
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