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The ultimate flame!!!


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He posted a bunch of false stuff about me, my family and my office, so I set them straight by posting the police reports and his conviction on he forum that he was posting on.


He was telling the people on that forum that I assulted him, I was a theif, and an overall bad chiropractor. I thought it would be good it everyone on there knew the truth about him.


Never play chicken with a rooster!

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Here is a copy of my post!





First of all, I would like to apologize to the people of Mt. Vernon for having to endure the rhetoric of the posts that have appeared on this site about my office and I over the last few weeks. I have decided to come to Knoxpages.com and defend myself and my good name. I am Dr. Richard L. Rodgers II, owner of Knox County Chiropractic Clinic and the following is the true and factual story of what has been rumored about me in the forums on this website.


All of the hatred for me that was found in the earlier posts on this website started on July 13, 2006 when I had to terminate the employment of our insurance clerk, Cathy Robbins. Cathy was a long-term employee of my office and had performed well in her job duties. She was liked by other staff members as well as by my wife and children. It is unfortunate that her employment with me came to an end as it did.


As you may know, my office has a booth at the Knox County Fair on a yearly basis. I do not have a staff member dedicated to Public Relations so all of the office staff, including myself, was required to work hours at the booth. To make sure no one person was working more than the other, each employee was required to work about 17 hours at the booth. As we began to prepare for the Fair, we needed to determine who would be working which days and hours. To be fair to the employees, I allowed them to sign up for hours that worked best for them instead of assigning them. On July 12, 2006 this sign-up sheet was distributed. The same day Cathy came to me and said that she could not work the fair due to a health reason. Upon further inquiry, she admitted that her husband, Don Robbins, did not want her working at the Knox County Fair. At this point, I informed her that the Fair hours were not optional and that she needed to address these concerns with her husband.


The following day during our morning staff meeting, I approached the staff about two individuals that had failed to sign up for their share of booth hours. Immediately, the other staff member signed up for his share of hours but Mrs. Robbins then refused to take anymore hours. I told her that it would be unfair for me to ask anyone else to take more time away from their families because she did not want to work the Fair. She then became very agitated and said her husband, Don Robbins, did not want her “around those carnies and freako’s” and that she was “going through hell at home about this”. Promptly I told her that her husband was not the employer, and she needed to sign up for more hours. Cathy told me that she was not doing any marketing because she was not hired for that. She was warned at several points in this conversation about her tone, refusal of required work, and insubordination. Finally, a decision had to be made about this issue. After a conversation with my wife by telephone the decision was made to terminate her employment due to insubordination, refusal to work assigned task, and refusal of overtime. She was immediately informed of this decision and was asked to gather her belongings and leave the office.


Later that same day at about 3:45 p.m., Don Robbins pulled into our parking lot just as one of our patients said “sure is quiet around here today”. When I saw Don, I replied, “well, you never know when that will change”. Upon entering the office, Don was very agitated, according to my receptionist. Upon asking for me, Don told my receptionist, in a loud tone, “you may have to call the police”. My receptionist proceeded to the back of the office to get me and warn me that Don was in the office. She was then instructed to retrieve a copy of the Employee Handbook so I could show him why his wife’s employment was terminated. Upon receiving the Handbook I went to the reception area to speak with Don about the matter. Don was visibly very upset. Even though his wife worked for me for 2 ½ years, he still had to ask if I was “Rodgers”. I acknowledged who I was and he immediately yelled at me, “You just screwed up firing my wife, you @#$%”. He then went on to tell me that he was going to “beat my @#$% brains in at the fair”. My receptionist then dialed 911. During this confrontation he continually lunged at me in an aggressive manor, trying to provoke me to fight him. Since my first obligation is the safety of my patients and staff, a fight was completely out of the question and needed to be avoided. He threatened my life two or three other times, including telling me that my “...wife had better start looking for a new papa for our kids, I am getting my affairs together and I am going to blow your @#$%in’ brains out”. I did warn Don during this confrontation, that I do have a concealed carry permit and will defend myself and family if need be. He was also warned that I am a martial artist. (I am including theses details not to boast, but to be honest, and fair about the content of the confrontation.) Finally, after about ten minutes of this inside the office, I was able to get him out the front door away from my patients and staff.

After several more minutes of confrontation, including more threats against my life, I was able to direct him back to his truck and he then got in it to leave. Once he got into his truck to leave I proceed to go back into my office. While crossing in front of his truck he revved the engine like he was going to run me over, so I kicked the front bumper of his truck. After ten to fifteen minutes the Mt. Vernon police arrived at our office. They took police reports that you can read from the links below.













Don Robbins was subsequently charged with criminal trespassing and disorderly conduct. He appeared in Mount Vernon Municipal Court on August 15, 2006 and plead No-Contest to these charges. He was then found guilty by Judge Spurgeon. The matter was referred to probation officer Robert O’hara for pre-sentence investigation. As of today, August 31, 2006 he was sentenced to a $50 fine for each count plus court costs, and ten days suspended sentence. If he has a similar offence within two years he may have to serve the suspended jail time.






During this incident, I did the best that I could to protect my staff and patients. I may not be perfect, but I did my best. Overall, the out come was pretty good as no parties were injured and everyone was able to go home to their families that night.


As for the accusations about the staff walking out on me, the only person who walked out was our massage therapist. She indicated in a letter that after the incident, she was afraid to come back to the office due to the threats that were made by Don Robbins.


Dr. Stambaugh’s departure had nothing to do with this incident at all. Dr. Stambaugh is a chiropractor who is very motivated and always had intentions of going back to Pataskala. I wish him the best, and I know he will do well on his own.


In an effort to destroy my name and business, as well as make our lives difficult, statements have been posted that are untrue to make people believe that I am an overall bad person and chiropractor. In the past six years that I have been in Mt. Vernon, our office has treated thousands of Knox County residents. Our mission is to provide patients with the most effective treatment that is available and as a result we have grown to be one of the busiest offices in Knox County. As with any business, growth does not happen by providing inadequate services or mistreating customers. Consistently, the largest source of business for our office is referrals from other patients. Our patients have proven by the number of referrals that we receive that we do provide quality service. Our office practices within the nationally accepted Chiropractic guidelines, such as the CCP guidelines, and the Mercy guidelines. Rest assured that any recommendations that you receive in my office follows the most current research and technology that is available.


If you made it this far reading I would like to thank you, for helping me set the record straight, and dispel any negative posts that have been done by ngvet, harvardgrad, and 2ndmarines.



Thank you,



Dr. Richard L. Rodgers II

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I had to post that stuff due to what he had posted about me. He put up a thread about me, saying that his wife walked out because of my temper, how the rest of the staff walked out too. He said I was a thief and I cheated my patients, and that I was under investigation for insurance fraud. The list goes on and on. I did not want to stir the pot, but this is a small town and people will believe anything.


Nothing like having your police report, and conviction posted for all of you co-workers to see :D

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i was at the understanding, correct me if i am wrong, but firing someone for refusale to work overtime, and that it was interfering with family life, was against workers rights.? is this correct, and if so then you might have a law suit on your hands if this person finds this out.
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If working over time is part of the job decriprion than the Dr. did just what he said he would do at the time of hire. The fact is that the bitch did not want to work extra and be a part of the team, more so she went about it in an inapproate way. So he had to terminate her ass. End of story. It's unfortunate that her and her husband got so irate over over a situation that could easily have been avoided if at the time of hire she'd have said, "oh, well my husband is an asshole and does not want me to work ANY over time, so thats just out of the question" The Dr. did what was needed and, unfortunately sometimes you run into people that just can not handle that. Sadly some people are simply to ignorant to handle the fact that they fucked up really bad and in turn fucked them selves out of a decent job. That is all, no more or no less.
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Way to go defending yourself in a controlled, professional and 'adult' way, Rick. I hope that guy, who is obviously issue laden, gets all he deserves.


I don't about Ohio, but Texas is a 'right to work state' and they can fire your ass for picking your nose if they want. Seriously, they don't even need a reason. My old bosses have fired many good people illegally because they don't have to give a reason. Yes, I know it for fact. (Oops. Gotta little off topic)

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Ohio is "employment at will". I can fire, anyone, anytime, for any reason.


You just would not believe the stuff this guy said about me, and my family. Worst of all he was making fun of my car online :mad:


Anyhow, I have an attorney that is handling the lible portion. So it will all work out. :D

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