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Rumble in the legal jungle

Science Abuse

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I didn't get princess Zelda, but I got to the final level and got a wicked score. More to come when I get time.


summary: shot myself in the foot, and then didn't capitalize on the prosecution shooting themselves in the foot. Disclose NOTHING untill the prosecution is finished questioning the officer.

My judge, Paul Herbert, was a damn fine chap. The cop lied through his teeth, and I inadvertedly gave him the ammo to do it.

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yah, you really have to choice your words, its tough to think what you need to say and how to say it and try not to stall too bad


but hey if it worked out in the end its okay


That's why Lawyers get paid big bucks and go to school for so long

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That's why Lawyers get paid big bucks and go to school for so long

Something I observed, What lawyers are actualy paid for:

-Not for their years of schoolin

-Not for knowing and applying the rule of law

-Not because they could present your case (on paper) any better then you could, if you prepared.


They get paid for "Hey bill, how ya doin". It's not of thoise things above, they get paid because they not only know the system, but they know the people themselves. I dont think I heard a counselor refered to by anything but their first name all day, accept during the formal proceedings.


A lawyer in my position would have won..BUT, a lawyer representing me would not have.

A: He would have urged me to go with a plea agreement, to shorten our day. The officer refused to budge on reduced charges, so that would have got me nowhere.

B: You dont shit where you eat. At some point, he would have had to spit piss and vinneger to get the witness thrown out. That court is where he makes his living, he's not going to burn his bridges for me.

In my case, I would have been worse off with an attorney. Higher fine, same result, AND I'd have to pay him.


Full report in the works. The prosecution didn't win this one, I lost it. I MOVE TO DECLARE A MISTRIAL!!! My legal representation was incompetent!!

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Something I observed, What lawyers are actualy paid for:

-Not for their years of schoolin

-Not for knowing and applying the rule of law

-Not because they could present your case (on paper) any better then you could, if you prepared.


They get paid for "Hey bill, how ya doin". It's not of thoise things above, they get paid because they not only know the system, but they know the people themselves. I dont think I heard a counselor refered to by anything but their first name all day, accept during the formal proceedings.


Quoted for thruth learned through alot of experience myself.

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