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I HATE Notre Dame!


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Am I the only Buckeye fan that thinks Troy Smith is overrated? Don't get me wrong, he's a good college QB, but he isn't as good as everyone makes him out to be and I don't think he should be considered a Heisman favorite.


Of all the starting QBs we've had over the last decade, the only one worse than Smith was Steve Bellisari. Hoying, Germaine, Krenzel, even Stanley Jackson were all better players IMO. In the past, Smith has fumbled too much and ran too often when he should have just stayed calm and thrown the ball. Last year he finally ditched the "run first, pass second" attitude and it looks like he has also improved on his awareness and coverage reads since last year, but he still throws inaccurate passes way too often. Anthony Gonzalez has done a great job bailing him out on numerous occasions, for example, the big catch in the Michigan game. Many of Smith's poorly thrown passes that would normally be picked off are rescued by some of our great receivers that make really nice catches. People need to just watch and pay attention to the games and look beyond the stat sheet sometimes.


All I have to say is that Todd Boeckman is the future. He's a blue chip with tons of potential, but we thought the same about Zwick too, so who knows.


P.S. - I have to work during the game Texas/OSU game :mad:

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