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Norwalk Awards


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In addition to trying to receive some sponsor gift certificates, I'm also looking at getting trophies for Best XXX.


What would be a good idea and how many? I'm looking at spending no more than $100 total, and I can have these in 2-3 days.


I'm thinking:


Best ET - Slicks

Best ET - DOT Radials

Best MPH - Slicks

Best MPH - DOT Radials

Best 60'

Best RT


However, we also have several 7-9 second drag cars coming, and I want this to be more along the lines of street cars and regular CR members. Any ideas on how to accomplish this to be fair, and the above listed or other categories?

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if they are street tires, radials, cheater slicks(that are DOT) have 2 class's 12.50 and slower and 12.49 and faster..then have a all out class, or split that one into 2 class's.

like 10.00 and slowwer etc..


just a idea!

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