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kick ass program


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BTW, I agree that is a kick ass program. Kind of reminds me of when Electronics Workbench came out. I love that program, it is great to build a circut and test it without the anoying breadboards or having to solder anything untill you know it should work with only minor tweaking.
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Guest drumer919
Personaly I would rather have the projector program, the other one looks more like a toy than a useful program. Now the projector and program he is using to make the computer draw what he draws on that board is cool.
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Personaly I would rather have the projector program, the other one looks more like a toy than a useful program. Now the projector and program he is using to make the computer draw what he draws on that board is cool.


I think the big point of that software is that its intended for classroom use, and situations where you are in a company where you have to describe the effects of stuff to say the president of your company that doesnt know shit. and it would definatly help some people pay attention in a physics class.


the other thing their trying to get at is the idea that the program knows what to do based on very simple instruction. all though you might not think this program is useful, its implementation might be a hell of a lot more useful to you in say a program that you could design an engine part, put it on a fully functional simulated engine and have the computer know exactly what everything should do, and how that new part you just added should affect it.

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