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muslims are fucking morons


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People from India are not Muslim.



You really make it too easy.





"Islam is the second-largest religion in India (after Hinduism - 80.5%), where Muslims number around 138 million (13.4%)*Census of India"




Which is nearly 1/2 of the US population of 298,444,220. So, not only are there Muslims in India, their is a shit ton of them. :thumbup:

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Fair enough.


The worlds leading Arabic newspaper






"New Delhi, Asharq Al-Awsat- Within India’s vast population of one billion people, there are 180 million Muslims making up 14.5% of Indian society. India is home to the second largest Muslim community in the world"



Hell, it cant be any more straight forward than CENSUSINDIA.com can it?




That puts the percentage at 13.4%



I can go on...

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