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PSU is screwed

Kevin R.

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After being reportedly certified as the first president of the University Park Undergraduate Association (UPUA) yesterday by elections commissioner Katie Vogel, Jay Bundy had a few words for the student body.


"If the students are stupid enough to vote for someone so inappropriate and retarded as I am, then they deserve a president who is going to give the worst performance to the best of his ability," he said, adding that he wants the "lowest approval rating in history."


Bundy continued on a lengthy tirade, calling his upcoming presidency "a fucking shitshow," without offering any explanation.


"You voted for me, bitches," he said. "That was a bad idea."


But hours later, head elections commissioner Ashley Hill said the announcement of certification was a mistake. Hill said she and Vogel still need to speak to Sara Snyder, the third elections commissioner, before making a decision on Bundy's certification.


Bundy received the highest vote totals in Wednesday's election, but elections commissioners would not certify him because of pending violations. Alleged violations include unstamped fliers advertising a video of the debate posted on Bundy's Web site and unstamped posters hanging outside of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity, 319 N. Burrowes St., and Bundy's house.


When asked to comment later last night on the certification confusion, Bundy said his desire "is to dare the students to step up and use [his] performance to get actively educated about what's going on in the world around them."


He also said: "Dear elections commissioners, although the process before you was piss poor, you did a mediocre job at making something out of nothing."


Officials involved with the formation of UPUA said they are disappointed in Bundy's comments.


"It's a tragedy," said Galen Foulke, the former Undergraduate Student Government (USG) president who was instrumental in forming and implementing UPUA to replace USG. "The fact that he was so utterly dishonest in these pursuits. This is blatantly manipulative and blatantly deceptive."


Katie Vogel, UPUA elections commissioner, said she is "personally hurt" by Bundy's attitude.


"This infuriates me," she said. "I don't even have words to describe it. So many people have worked so hard for so long to make this group run."


Bundy, while still under the impression that he was certified, called his ticket

the "Bundy/Stathes administration," referring to current USG president Nick Stathes, and said he plans on working closely with USG.


He said Stathes will run the show and had a message for Stathes.


"I'm ready to roll, son," he said. "I'll let you do the work, and I'll just sit there and look cute."


Stathes said he has "no idea what [bundy] is talking about."


"He might be referring to our intent to work together to review [uSG's] constitution in our constitutional convention," he said. "But I don't understand or support his comments."


Bundy, who is president of the Penn State chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, also said "we need less rules" and that he advocates disobedience.


"Do I care if you are a 17-year-old freshman who is wasted out of your mind? No," he said. "That's probably a good idea. It may be healthy from time to time to not take yourself that seriously."


On Oct. 9, a press release on Penn State Live, live.psu.edu, promised UPUA would "be in place and functioning on behalf of students no later than Oct. 15."


"That's a deadline that we recognize. We're hopeful, but our first concern is to keep everything fair and make sure the candidate who is elected is following all the rules," Hill said. "It's not necessarily our place that he sticks to the job because that's the role of the voters."





:cool: I'd vote for him.

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