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Q: What does the average Mississippi State player get on his SATs?

A: Drool.


Q: What do you get when you put 32 Arkansas cheerleaders in one room?

A: A full set of teeth.


Q: How do you get a Michigan graduate off your porch?

A: Pay him for the pizza.


Q: Why do the Auburn cheerleaders wear bibs?

A: To keep the tobacco juice off their uniforms.


Q: Why is the Vandy football team like a possum?

A: Because they play dead at home, and get killed on the road.


Q: What are the longest three years of a Florida football player's life?

A: His freshman year.


Q: How many Ole Miss freshmen does it take to change a light bulb?

A: None . . . That's a sophomore course at Mississippi.


Q: Where was O.J. headed in the white Bronco?

A: Lexington, Kentucky . . . He knew that the police would never look there for a Heisman Trophy winner.


Q: Why did Tennessee choose orange as their team color?

A: They can wear it to the game on Saturday, hunting on Sunday, and picking up trash along the highways the rest of the week.


Q: What did the Michigan grad say to the OSU grad?

A: Would you like fries with that?

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Fuck Blue. They're fucking GOOD, though. Tressel and Tressel Jr. (T. Smith) will fight through another road block on the way to being the greatest OSU team of all time.




It might be recent and I'm retarded, but when was the last time the Heisman Trophy winner won the outright BCS championship?

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It might be recent and I'm retarded, but when was the last time the Heisman Trophy winner won the outright BCS championship?

Two years ago (2004 season) - Matt Leinart won the Heisman and USC beat Oklahoma in the Orange Bowl to win the BCS championship.

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