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anyone work at verizon?

Big A

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hey i have a quick question to anyone that works at verizon. i bought the chocolate the week it came out because my plan had just ended so it was cheap. before i could return to much time has past so now im stuck with it. is there anyone that could hook me up with a phone, with out having to pay the retail price or know anything i could do? maybe look on ebay?
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His name is Orion.


Honestly your stuck with the phone. I looked at upgrading my phone to a razor and since I'm in the middle of my plan I would have to pay full price for the phone.


The only way around it is to add a line to your current plan (which is like a extra $10 a month IIRC). You will probably still have to pay for some of the phone but rebates will probably eat most of the most.

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