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Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act

El Karacho1647545492

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Well, I'm not exactly sure how I feel about this. Bush signed this into effect last month, but they've started making arrests now and its gonna go under the microscope.


I think its bullshit. I'm not suggesting that the internet is some magical never-neverland where laws don't apply (though with some of the shit Linn posts, you wonder). Where does U.S. jurisdiction end and begin in the land of no borders? Look at websites like thepiratebay.org; a .torrent site based in Sweden that cannot be charged with any crimes because Sweden's copyright infringement laws...well...there aren't any. But as an American downloading from there, you can be charged.


Still, I have a friend who has made a shitload of money (about 4x the average American's annual salary) with internet poker..he dropped out of college to play...he's good. Is he gonna get arrested cuz he's an amazing poker player?




Oh, and one more thing I wanted to point out; President Bush is putting money towards eliminating intarweb gambling, so who is putting money towards stopping all the sick shit linn posts...some of those videos are worse than the entire nation's gambling problem.

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I play and do pretty well, I personally am very irritated with this law. I'm miss understanding how they are going to do this, though, most the gambling sites are based out of say Argentina and as long as you have an out of country account for money ( I think netteller may be based in canada) then you should be alright, or not? I have a friend who has got himself a very nice amount of money, it will suck if they decide to shut things down for him.
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as much as i hate pundits, Lou Dobbs pretty much said how I feel in an article he wrote today: "I blame us for forgetting that the United States is first a nation, and secondly a marketplace or an economy, and I blame us for being taken as fools by both political parties for far too long. It is not nationalism by any stretch of the imagination for me to remind those in power that our political system, our great democracy, makes possible our free-enterprise economy, and not vice versa as the elites continually propagandize."
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Its a bad law. If I want to spend my money on gambling I should be able too. I read on party poker that they won't take American money now that the law passed. They just need to make gambling legal in the whole U.S. I hate driving 2 hrs to go play poker at Argosy. I want to go right now.
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Its a bad law. If I want to spend my money on gambling I should be able too. I read on party poker that they won't take American money now that the law passed. They just need to make gambling legal in the whole U.S. I hate driving 2 hrs to go play poker at Argosy. I want to go right now.



PM sent. :)

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I could care less what the issue, I don't feel that the internet should be regulated by the US gov, or any other gov for that matter. If the internet community feels that it needs some sort of regulation, create its own government thats run by the internet community.
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