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You can tell I'm still fairly new here

V8 Beast

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I just realized that if we added spell check it would eliminate 99% of the forum fights....


Post 1: I call you a stupid,

Post 2: You tell me I didnt put a comma in the right place.

Post 3: I say bite me

Post 4: You reply with, I would bite your comma, but you didnt use one.


Then for the rest of the day people write their post's in Microsoft Word. From there they perform a spell check, then copy and paste it into a CR thread. Ultimately ending with them saying in their head "now what, find an error in that you punk #$@#%!!!!" WTF LOL!!!!


I hope I didnt spell anything wrong, or I'm going to get owned :p

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You missed two apostrophes in spelling "didnt". You did not need an apostrophe in the word "post's". There were other minor mistakes as well, but, I forgive you!


You also used "..." incorrectly :)

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Spell check won't make you idiots any smarter.


It also doesn't catch To, Too, and Two mistakes, or "of" and "off", etc.



Summary: You're all doomed to ridicule.


There, their, and they're, and my personal favorite your and you're. I have to admit spell check can only help so much. We have yet to find a cure for stupidity, and I think its spreading.


This post was brought to you by "The Morning After". Friends dont let friends post drunk!!!

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