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Where to go for audio?

El Karacho1647545492

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Okay so the Apache is completely without a sound system. Well not completely. It has an old school shitty single speaker with no radio whatsoever, but who cares, I'm still gonna rip it out. So I need some suggestions on where to go for audio.


What I want:

-A good head unit is a definite must, I've been considering nav (if i can get a late model piece for less money), and a flip-up screen would be cool, but my only requirement is that the thing is iPod-ready. No satellite, I probably won't even listen to the radio. So CDs or iPod.

-A pair of speakers would be fine, I don't need 6 6.5 inch speakers and tweeters and a pair of 6x9s. A couple well-placed speakers would be great.

-A subwoofer is a definite. Again, no need for a 15 inch asspounder, especially since there is basically no room to spare in the cabin, a small one with a custom box designed under the seat or behind the seat (there's also the gas tank there....problems) is probable.

-This doesn't need to be pretty. I'll pretty up the interior way down the road. Form follows function.



-I don't want to have to eBay my left nut to pay for this whole setup. In fact, I'd be willing to ghetto-rig some of the shit myself if i could learn how. Would it be easy enough to learn and to just take it step-by-step on my own as a spring break project maybe, or should I go somewhere pro.

-I don't want this shit to be ghetto if i'm paying someone to do it. I can do a shitty job on my own, i'm not gonna fork over hundreds to watch some jackoff in a jumpsuit do it for me.

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I don't know much about the speakers or audio as far as the products or brands to buy, but I am confident that you could easily do it cleanly yourself.


My brother and I put my whole audio set up including subs into my Mustang a couple years ago and as long as you take your time you can do a very clean, quality job.


It is easy if you find the route you want to hide the wires. After that it is just running them and hooking them up.


So, my vote goes to do it yourself.

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