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Rubber Neckers


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It took 20+ minutes today to get down a strip of road no more then 2 miles. At first i thought man there must be a bad wreck. Hope someone's not killed. THEN!!!! Its fucking 2 people pulled over no smash marks i could see but I don't gok and stare I wait for someone to get the hell out of my way and I proceed to the speed limit to get a proper flow of traffic.



I swear to god , Other areas I've driven were not as bad as columbus.






New york ( But you might get shot for slowing down on i90 there)

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yes lets just go with thats how it always been statements.


Lack of Progression is intern digression.


OMG +1 on coolness factor using big words.


I R Genius so I will break it down for you.


Cities have traffic. Accidents make people curious. Which equals hitting the break pedal.


How long have you had your license? I though you would of known this already... :D

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Can someone seriously take away Bugboy's ability to make threads?

It blows my mind when people go out of there way to make a retarded comment as started above. I'm about to make a macro for this one but I will state again.



I bet you would poke a dead animal with a stick too huh? I will leave my comment in even though I am quite postive it was a waste of time to write. I know that if you feel like that, you won't even take my words seriously but for pure fun here it is.




1. Yes I was dumb

2. Yes bull shit happened

3. I've apolgized for what i can and don't expect those who still hang on to it relize the hard truth that I'm not that person any more because. They are to busy living pissed off to relize that though. My belief is that they thrive on feeling the hateful feelings because of some internal issue. I would like to point out that living in the past and holding onto hateful feelings is nothing but pointless it buys you nothing and hate is a pointless emotion.

4. If you don't like me stay the fuck out of my threads , Thanks.

5. No more will be said on this topic for today.

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OMG +1 on coolness factor using big words.


I R Genius so I will break it down for you.


Cities have traffic. Accidents make people curious. Which equals hitting the break pedal.


How long have you had your license? I though you would of known this already... :D



I am not disagreeing in the reasoning , I just think its fucking annoying.


Maybe there is a way to captilize on this odd human factor.


Some type of quick deployment based visual blockade. That would work for big wrecks . Other then it takes time to setup and during that time the victims are bleeding .


Yeah I guesse its pointless to even trying to solve a human problem.

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