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sex... pure sex...


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Texting is great, IMO. Some times I just don't want to talk to someone. And if it is just a quick thing like" don't forget to bring back my wrench's when you come over", it's perfect. As for the keyboard part of it, T9 will finish the word and most software learns how you text with suggestion words. Makes it much easier for me at least. Now it the came up with a hands free in car that would read your text to you, that would be cool.


BTW, this is the phone I use. Anyone else use a smart phone?



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I hate when some one texts you from a phone that has a keyboard, but they are fully aware that you have a razr with no keyboard and expect a response. "Oh how I could just kill a man." I can never type on my razr, I know I am stupid.


In general, I think it's dumb that people would rather type out a message (taking a minute or two to accomplish) on a phone than just call the person. The only exception I see fit would be in class or at work. Even then, I'd still just call the person.

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whoever calls this stupid is...stupid...mp3 = future of music portability (well it already is) and it has yet to be REALLY combined with cell phone (at best, the LG chocolate). An ipod that slides up to be a cellphone would, in my mind, perfectly accomplish what others have been tryin to do for a while. I want one!
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My krzr (w 2gigs) plays mp3s now, does alot more than just play songs, and looks alot better than that ipodophone imo. The chocolate is not remotely the best mp3 playing phone already out there. There are quite a few better.


Satan - I think I accurately described the official Steve Jobs' Bay Area Flowerpower/techie Forgot-they-are-old-men dress code. Was I missing something? Perhaps the Zima in their left hand?


I guess I just don't swoon when apple breathes. Probably because I've got the long picture: I've seen and used alot of their products at work and home (computer and personal devices) from their beginnings in the 70s - started right with the apple I (the one you assembled) - they are by no means design gods. But then, I am immune to marketing, peer pressure, pack mentality, innuendo, and rumormills.


This could be a fine product for all I know. But its not pure sex. There's no bewbs for one thing....

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