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Selective Service????????


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dude i used to dream about being in the armed forces. it was the coolest thing. it still is interesting to learn about today. but now im a consiecious objector to killing people. if i wasnt a christian id be registered by now and on my way to boot camp.
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dude i used to dream about being in the armed forces. it was the coolest thing. it still is interesting to learn about today. but now im a consiecious objector to killing people. if i wasnt a christian id be registered by now and on my way to boot camp.



you might want to read up on your history then becuase christians are the most murdering warring sumbitches on the planet for over 1000 years


I won't ever voluntarily sign up but if I get drafted I'm picking up a rifle and go kick whoevers ass it is that needs it at the time...


one of your responsibilities as a citizen is selective service if you don't like go the fuck back wherever you came from and kill yourself

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dude i used to dream about being in the armed forces. it was the coolest thing. it still is interesting to learn about today. but now im a consiecious objector to killing people. if i wasnt a christian id be registered by now and on my way to boot camp.


Are you serious? You wouldn't even be able to comprehend all the things people have done in the name of their god. Anything can be justified, no matter how brutal/sick, as long as its for religion.


If I'm drafted and have to kill fuckers because they dont' want me/my family and friends, to live the life we do today. They're fucking dead. It's the least I could do. You gotta die someday.

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