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Obtaining dental insurance


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Since switching companies, I've lost my dental insurance. With Pitney Bowes. I had the option of just dental as opposed to the additional medical and vision. I get medical and vision through the military (Tricare) since I'm retired, and a fantastic rate ($480/yr for the family). With my current employer, they only offer a "all or nothing" package, which I looked into as a supplement to Tricare, and I would deal with more arguing between insurance companies not to mention the coverage with my current employer is not up to par with Tricare. So I elected not to spend the $200/mo just so I could have dental.


Now, Tricare does offer dental as well, but this is where their plan actually leaves something to be desired. It's $99/mo for dental, the majority not covered up front and even then their coverage is low. They cater more to active duty in this aspect.


I've been hunting around the internet, and seem to come across "dental plans" more often than not as opposed to actual insurance. Should I look further into these, or stick with trying to find insurance, and if I do that, where can I get decently priced insurance?


The biggest reason is that my wife needs her wisdom teeth removed and it was covered under our old plan, but now it's covered under nothing. It's pretty damned expensive outright.


Any help or info would be appreciated.

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hey this is art's wife. I work at a dental office and to tell you the truth most insurance companies make money off of you. Dental insurance is completely different than regular medical ins and unless someone needs a ton of work it doesn't pay to have it. Also, there is always a yearly max which is usually $1000-$1500 and that alone might only cover one or two procedures. Does she have an oral surgeon that her dentist referred her to? Depending on how far away it is for you, I would suggest calling Drs. Cook, Carnes, & Montgomery- they have an office in Worthington and asking them if you paid outright how much it would be. They are very reasonably priced and are great oral surgeons. They did my wisdom teeth and my office always refers patients to them. Take the money you would put into insurance and set it aside for the fee at the office. Also, does she have to have all four pulled or just a couple? Depending on the type of sedation she wants that can also affect the price a lot. So check out your options and see what they have to say!
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The surgeon is Dr. Scheiner in Bexley off of Broad Street, and with the insurance coverage still wanted $450 with local anesthesia. General ran another $250-300.


She needs (supposedly), all four removed and this is the ONLY reason I was looking into insurance/plans, to help cover it. I've tried getting pricing straight for everything from this guy, but it's leading nowhere. I've also tried the OSU Dental Center, but can't get a price either.

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The surgeon is Dr. Scheiner in Bexley off of Broad Street, and with the insurance coverage still wanted $450 with local anesthesia. General ran another $250-300.


She needs (supposedly), all four removed and this is the ONLY reason I was looking into insurance/plans, to help cover it. I've tried getting pricing straight for everything from this guy, but it's leading nowhere. I've also tried the OSU Dental Center, but can't get a price either.


Just spoke to my wife. She gave me a couple of pointers as she is a front office person for a oral surgeon. She says that Met Life or Aetna is really good. Just to make sure that you don't get a DMO or an HMO, rather go for the PPO. With the DMO or the HMO you could wait 2-8 weeks, just to find out if the surgery is approved. She also tells me that with Met Life she has seen a $25 deductable, with a $1500 max.

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dude, just get her really really drunk, then have someone hold her down, use some vice grips and yank the fuckers out. Is it really that big of a deal?? :) :) :)


In all seriousness, every dentist I've ever met always thinks all wisdom teeth need to come out. I feel that unless they are bothering her, just leave em alone. I still have all mine, and the last time I saw my dentist he said if I needed to have my jaw cut, and a piece of it removed to make my under bite go away. I laughed in his face. It doesnt hurt me, and I deffinately am not affected as far as eating. Unless its really a problem, I say just leave it alone.


P.S. I'll hold her down for ya if ya want.... :):):)

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