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My aunt has cancer.


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I'll add her to my list.


I too found out one of the dearest women in my life has breast cancer just this christmas. She helped me through my moms battle with lung cancer and has been like a mother to me since she passed. I've been donating to the Cancer Society for years now, I hope it does some good in the long run. Keep your faith man.

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Someone ban this Nick person, there is no reason to impose your beliefs on others, Senior Member or not. What you said is the kind of shit you are supposed to keep your mouth shut on things like this. If this was a cancer treatment debate, I would let you talk and talk and talk, but this is about someone's family member. Saying that the thought of Thorne's aunt even crossing our mind (which is prayer, btw) wont do anything, you are simply adding to an already bad situation.


Thorne, sorry he and I both ended up shitting in your thread (even if you accepted what he had to say). I definately know what you are going through man, and I am praying for her.

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I love to hear when people beat it.



my brother was diagnosed with Lymphoma (cancer of the lymph noids) and epliepsy after his third tour in Iraq. He came back home on leave and my family doctor found it. The Army (Ft. Bragg is where he is stationed) treated him and now he seems to be doing great. He has about 3.5 years left of remission before they say he is 100% healthy.


--hope she gets better and soon.

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