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Identity theft


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I recived the following email:


Dear Friend,


I am Mr Kevin Jacobs, a rich gold merchant .My wife Cynthia died when our only child Kevin jnr was only six months old due to illness related to cancer.Due to the love I have for my late wife i decided not to marry again and take the care of my only child as a single parent.I did every thing to give my child the best education and training.Kevin jnr was sent to Havard University in U.S.A to study medicine but as fate will have it he died in the september 11 attack on the world trade centre as he went for shopping with his friend and that is the genesis of my problem.


Since then I have been suffering from frequent heart failure which has resulted to me been paralysed. I have taken to every medical treatment to see if i can regain my health but the worst happen last month when the doctor revealed to me that there is no other medical means in which I can regain my health and the rate in which my health was detoriating that I will soon leave the mother earth.Moreover during my active days as a gold merchant I made a lot of money totalling about $18.4 million US dollars but the unfortunate thing was that I have transfered this money to a security company in europe in 1998 due to frequent political instability in my country pending when my son will graduate from the university to take care of it but he never lived to inherit the fund.


Now, since I have lost everythig I lived for, my wife,only child, and my health, I have now decided to give this money out to semptember 11 2001 victims charity organisation, churches or other charity organisations.I am now looking for a trustworthy foreigner which I will transfer this money to his/her care and who will help accomplished my aim of reaching and helping the september 11 victims.


Finally,20% of this fund will be giving to you for your kindness and help. Please contact me if your are intrested in helping me towards my contribuition to humanity with the above 1,Your full name and address

2, First page of your scanned international passport copy

3,Your phone and fax numbers.

Thank you for your concern towards helping the less

privilege ones.


Mr kevin Jacobs.




Like I am going to send someone a copy of my pasport. If only I had an FBI badge to scan and send to him.....

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Guest Mushijobah
LOL, send him a link and say that link contains all your info like passport and phone numbers for him to use...but really send a redirect link to meatspin.com.



HAHAHA do it.

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