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to all 9/11 conspiracy guys


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No one questioned that planes were used on the towers. The question of the missile was at the pentagon. Please know what you are about to disprove before you try and do it. This thread is like saying see in the video the sky is blue! Then everyone looks around and says yea so who said it wasn't. Then everyone walks away.


I think the missile idea is just goofy btw.

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"Flash" claims before Flight 175 hit the South Tower


Many of the same conspiracy theorists supporting the pod claim have often alleged a flash as the plane hit the tower as proof that there was a missile launched from the underside of the plane. 911 IPS says that the flash could not be a reflection, as it was caught on camera from four different angles, and it is their theory that an object cannot reflect light in more than one direction. In addition, they said that sparks or static discharge "have been ruled out by every airline pilot we have spoken with."[99]


As with the pod claims, 9/11 researchers published refutations of these ideas, such as questionsquestions.net,[100] oilempire.us,[101] and 911review.com, which states,


"The most plausible explanation for the flashes we've seen is that the kinetic energy of the collisions vaporized a mix of materials, including steel and aluminum, which were rapidly oxidized by the pressure and heat of the 400+ mph collision."[102]


But when Popular Mechanics published an article debunking the 16 most prevalent conspiracy theories, the flash theory was not amongst them.[103]


from wiki


I've talked to 2-3 Engineers were i used to work that all talked about this scenario.

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What does that have to do with a conspiracy? No one ever denied two planes hit the towers. Yet the question remains why other buildings fell that day in the city, that were not hit by planes. Heck, I think like 4 total.



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Funny thing is, many Conspiracy nuts will accuse Bush of masterminding 9/11, then in the next breath refer to him as a 'moron'.


Who is the moron? The guy making ridiculous and unfounded claims on a blog, posting from his mom's basement in Omaha, or the man holding the world's most powerful office?

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What does that have to do with a conspiracy? No one ever denied two planes hit the towers. Yet the question remains why other buildings fell that day in the city, that were not hit by planes. Heck, I think like 4 total.




I'm far from well versed on the details of 9/11 and so forth, but I think the contention is that the other buildings fell that day due to collateral structural damage they sustained secondary to the Twin Towers collapsing.

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I'm far from well versed on the details of 9/11 and so forth, but I think the contention is that the other buildings fell that day due to collateral structural damage they sustained secondary to the Twin Towers collapsing.


WTC 7 was 2 blocks away from WTC1/2, and was only superficially hit by debris when 1 and 2 collapsed as you can readily see from the starting point of videos. At 5:22 p.m., over six hours after WTC 1 and 2 "collapsed", WTC 7 came down in a free fall.


More stuff I have read....

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A: 2 blocks is nothing

B: Debris didn't bring down the buildings, seismic activity did. Not a real earthquake, but the shaking and vibrations caused by the buildings coming down. Mahattan is no longer solid soil. Its a swiss-cheese block of subways, sewers, and utility tunnels, and none of it was built to withstand the shock given to it on Sept 11, 2001.

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Plus, didn't they bring down a building or two on purpose after the towers collapsed just to make sure they weren't going to keep coming down?

I was gonna post that.


The debate I always see is whether or not the Pentagon was hit by a plane.

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I agree on the Pentagon one. I had assume with the assinine things i had previously herd around the water cooler that more poeple believed it. eather way this ia video I had not seen before.


The Loose change debunking on youtube is a classic to watch sometime.

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there have only been 4 building that have collasped due to fire ever. they were WTC1, 2, 7, and I think it was 5. There have been other steel frame building that have caught fire and completely burnt out the floors above them and have had fire buring in them for or 20 hrs and still didn't collapse.


when it comes to 9/11 there are not many unanswered questions and a ton of shit that does not add up. NOt bad we will never know in full detail. If our goverment had a hand it it that really sad but we will really never know. :(

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Funny thing is, many Conspiracy nuts will accuse Bush of masterminding 9/11, then in the next breath refer to him as a 'moron'.


Who is the moron? The guy making ridiculous and unfounded claims on a blog, posting from his mom's basement in Omaha, or the man holding the world's most powerful office?





Quoted from the link.


Asked to name his "most wonderful moment" in office during an interview with the German newspaper Bild, President Bush had this to say:


"I would say the best moment of all was when I caught a 7.5 pound largemouth bass in my lake."


It brings to mind Bush's equally idiotic response from a couple of years ago when he was asked to name the biggest mistake he'd made, and he said this:


"I wish you'd have given me this written question ahead of time so I could plan for it…I'm sure something will pop into my head here in the midst of this press conference, with all the pressure of trying to come up with answer, but it hadn't yet….I don't want to sound like I have made no mistakes. I'm confident I have. I just haven't — you just put me under the spot here, and maybe I'm not as quick on my feet as I should be in coming up with one."


I like it how our president can not think fast on his feet. It is fantastic :(

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Quoted from the link.


Asked to name his "most wonderful moment" in office during an interview with the German newspaper Bild, President Bush had this to say:


"I would say the best moment of all was when I caught a 7.5 pound largemouth bass in my lake."


It brings to mind Bush's equally idiotic response from a couple of years ago when he was asked to name the biggest mistake he'd made, and he said this:


"I wish you'd have given me this written question ahead of time so I could plan for it…I'm sure something will pop into my head here in the midst of this press conference, with all the pressure of trying to come up with answer, but it hadn't yet….I don't want to sound like I have made no mistakes. I'm confident I have. I just haven't — you just put me under the spot here, and maybe I'm not as quick on my feet as I should be in coming up with one."


I like it how our president can not think fast on his feet. It is fantastic :(


Yes, you're the prime example what a great President is.



Atleast the President doesn't drive a Civic...

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Nor did I imply anything with my previous post in relevance to 9/11 conspiracy. What I did was quote Mr3GTP's post quote "...Who is the moron? The guy making ridiculous and unfounded claims on a blog, posting from his mom's basement in Omaha, or the man holding the world's most powerful office?" I was trying to point out that if the present was "not a moron" he should be able to think fast on his feet.


Maybe I am crazy if I am the only one who understands this...

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Nor did I imply anything with my previous post in relevance to 9/11 conspiracy. What I did was quote Mr3GTP's post quote "...Who is the moron? The guy making ridiculous and unfounded claims on a blog, posting from his mom's basement in Omaha, or the man holding the world's most powerful office?" I was trying to point out that if the present was "not a moron" he should be able to think fast on his feet.


Maybe I am crazy if I am the only one who understands this...

I understood that, but this is a 9/11 conspiracy thread. Basically I look at it that people like you go out of their way to bash the President, not for his actions, but because of how he speaks. Is it cool to do? I see it quite a bit so I'm thinking it may be a trend.

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I could go on and on about his actions, how he speaks, links from the interwebz, etc but I am not that kind of guy. That is a waste of time to debate that. And no it is not cool to "go out of the way" to bash a present. I don't think I went out of my way by quoting someone twice. I'll go back to lurking in this thread because I could write a novel on the bush family. And no I am not a registered democrat either.
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