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Pics of my shitbox ls1

Guest LSWON333

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Yeah no one in my car got hurt, it was a miracle. We got hit an run road rage incident with some guy on the freeway ass hole bumped me at 75 into a semi spun us out in the trees an damn near down in to a river valley.



did they ever caught the driver that hit you?

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Guest LSWON333
When you are ready to buy the wheels you want, let me know, I might be selling mine..


Ive seen the ones with the chrome lip and rivets... dont want those. All black

like these


Wont need them till summer, I have other performance parts obligations to get first :D

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did they ever caught the driver that hit you?


Yeah the Semi truck driver got that bastards plates. The police found the car the next day, it wasnt his it was registered under his sister, and then they couldnt find him for another couple days. He had the nerve to right on the report that it felt like he hit a pothole not the whole side of my car. I had three witnesses give reports on my side, it wasnt pleasent for him


It went from this:







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First of all nice car. As with all F-bodies it will look better if you lower it a bit.


Secondly, if you have EVER driven after drinking STFU. We all know it is stupid. But we all, at some time, have driven under the influence. To the point of blacking out? I hope not but if you have driven under the influence you have no right to judge - you have just gotten lucky to this point.

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Secondly, if you have EVER driven after drinking STFU. We all know it is stupid. But we all, at some time, have driven under the influence. To the point of blacking out? I hope not but if you have driven under the influence you have no right to judge - you have just gotten lucky to this point.



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The girl that hit me had been drinking too "imagine that" 3 am on a friday night(no dui for her though) She had to of seen me coming but No reaction from her so I got drilled( my fault i know). I slid across 3 lanes before we hit. .



i guess you're lucky you didn't kill your brother. amazing they give people licenses back after this shit. i've done some stupid things when i was younger, but that much alcohol?? stupid.

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Yes i never said is was a smart thing to do, I guess im not as PERFECT as some of the other people on here. Oh and I had never blacked out before that.



not perfect here by any means, but i've never driven drunk or even buzzed. driving after 2 beers at a restaurant, yes, but not often--i'm over 200lbs.


if i'm going to take a risk, i make sure no one else is in harm's way. if i go for a spirited drive in my car, i do it when there's no other cars around, and without the wife in the car.


but driving after 25 drinks?? crazy. i've seen peoples' lives ruined (physically) after these types of accidents.


lesson learned. i've been told before that normal people don't black out--implying that if you've blacked out from drinking you're susceptible to become an alcoholic--supposedly about 1 in 12 people are genetically more susceptible to substance abuse. i don't necessarily believe this, since i blacked out many times while in college, and barely ever drink anymore.

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Guest LSWON333

Believe me, I have paid for it in every way possible. License suspension,Lawyer fees,Insurance rates,Jail time,My brothers pain and suffering and my parents, my girlfriend, my work, the girl i hit..............oh and the year and a half of AA meetings and Alcohol counseling. I went into a hole for about a month after it happened and didnt come out. I did learn my lesson though. If anyone on here has ever been to a bar or club look around, atleast 90% of the people are drinking and I dont think the other 10% are all Designated Drivers. People do it daily. It was stupied and I will never do it again. I had a problem but I dont anymore. Its just sad it had to come down to almost killing me and my brother to figure it out.



not perfect here by any means, but i've never driven drunk or even buzzed. driving after 2 beers at a restaurant, yes, but not often--i'm over 200lbs.


if i'm going to take a risk, i make sure no one else is in harm's way. if i go for a spirited drive in my car, i do it when there's no other cars around, and without the wife in the car.


but driving after 25 drinks?? crazy. i've seen peoples' lives ruined (physically) after these types of accidents.


lesson learned. i've been told before that normal people don't black out--implying that if you've blacked out from drinking you're susceptible to become an alcoholic--supposedly about 1 in 12 people are genetically more susceptible to substance abuse. i don't necessarily believe this, since i blacked out many times while in college, and barely ever drink anymore.

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Guest LSWON333
First of all nice car. As with all F-bodies it will look better if you lower it a bit.


Thankyou. Id like to, but my exhaust might be an issue if I did. It kinda already is.

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I dont get why people have to keep coming back and saying shit that other people have already said. He messed up, he knows this. After seeing his car a lot of people that drink and drive will think twice (the positive thing that can come from this thread). There are way too many negative people in the world. Instead of saying glad no one died, you say you could have killed someone (like he didnt already know that!). He knows it was a really bad decision. And the fact that he learned a lesson without killing someone is a great thing. END RANT
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Who are you? the pope, BLOW ME.


I've had friend killed by fuck face ass mother fucking pos tools who should have died from acohol posining. so dont fucking start on me. my buddy scott would love to tellyou about his brother who died form someone who wanetd to drive drunk.....


So go blow your self. Fuck maybe if were all lucky you have to blow in a tube to start your fucking car.


And if you think your not a tool then maybe you should look at the thread again.


You say you paid dearly, How about the person who hit my buddys brother???????? that scenario could have easly been you since you did tag someone. Does any amount of anything bring that person back? Not even life sentances and shit... nothing they are gone . So I have every right to call someone out .

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Guest LSWON333
Well that sucks about your buddys brother. All I know is I learned my lesson and I wont be doing it again. Hopefully/maybe those pics might shed some light on people who still do drink and drive.
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Guest LSWON333
I say we sticky the parts of the thread that relate to the accident. It might be nice to let people see what can happen to perfectly good cars.


Great Idea!! It did prevent a few people I know (who used to drink and drive) not to, after they saw the car and what everyone i know went through(including me).

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