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I went last spring. I did accelerated freefall which is where 2 people hold on to you to keep you steady and make sure you pull the parachute cord. It was fun but I doubt I will do it again because of the cost. AFF is quite a bit more expensive than tandem. Like 2 weeks after I went someone that tandem there died because the strap that held her to the person with the parachute broke. Im glad I did AFF. http://www.aerohio.com/index.html
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I was really looking into it pretty hardcore last summer and cash/time everything just kind of ran out and it was a little dissapointing but I really would like to do it this summer. I know of a place near Akron that I was talking to about it, do a few static line jumps and work your way up. I think it was Canton Air or Akron air, I got the tele number someplace and I am goin to get in contact with em and get more details.
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