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Hot Sauce


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LOL. I thought those were prices at first on the left and that is what you meant by "higher end". I thought "Holy shit, expensive hot sauce."


But, I get it now, and no, I would not. I like a good heat/taste blend in my hot sauce. Shit like BW3's "Blazin'" sauce is an attempt to burn your mouth off but it tastes like ass.

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I've always been a fan of marinating meats in habanero for some kick, but I absolutely hate it as a sauce. Something that hot is more of a party trick than a condiment. I'm particular to cayenne peppers; they are delicious and spicy. I have a friend that I lost contact with whose dad used to grow a ton of different hot peppers in his backyard. He also brewed his own beer. He was truly a man's man.



EDIT: I usually use Dave's Ultimate Insanity Sauce as a marinade, which apparently is only a quarter of a million units of death spice or whatever. And a bottle of that stuff will liven up (to put it lightly) 2 pounds of hamburger meat. So I only can imagine what something 52 times that strength would do.

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I love hot sauce.. the blairs 3am is a whole different level than blazin, atomic, or any other super hot sauce at wing places. To put it into perspective, you can put 2 drops in a 16oz bowl of chili and it's pretty hot. 3-4 drops make it hard to eat.(drops from a straw) Just the right amount makes food taste good, it's pure heat, not filled with vinegar.
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My aunt used to have a resturant here in London and had wings from a sauce that was 4,000,000. Never saw anyone eat more than 3.If you didnt eat it fast enough, you couldn't even get past the first wing. Nobody could ever keep it down either. They would sit in the resturant and cry for at least a half hour. To put them into relation to something else, QS&L's hottest wings(atomic i think) are only 250,000. You can find the stuff in a small bottle in the North Market. I wish I remembered what it was called, it wasn't on that list though. I'd recognize it if I saw it. I'll probably pick up a bottle when I'm over there at the Arnold Expo this weekend.
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I think we need to order some of these sauces for the CR Cookout Ver "NEED A BATHROOM"

dude, i like hot sauce, but i don't like shitting spicy blood.



EDIT: who does pig roasts? I would love to participate in a CR pig roast, and I've got a bit of experience doin it. My grad party featured a 110 pounder, which i realize is pretty small.

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