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Type in a subject and select "Search With Guide," then ask the persion a dumb question without giving yourself away. You have to be subtle enough that they don't boot you though. Copy and paste the convo if it's funny enough.


My example


Status: Connecting ...

Status: Looking for a guide ...

Status: Connected to guide: Jason(7836)

Jason(7836): Welcome to ChaCha!

You: I'm looking for information

Jason(7836): ?

You: I need to know how to aquire the book of the dead

Jason(7836): What can I find for you?

Jason(7836): The egyptian book of the dead?

Jason(7836): Or the necronomicon?

You: the necronomicon

Jason(7836): Well

Jason(7836): Unfortunately, it does not exist

Jason(7836): It was created by HP Lovecraft

Jason(7836): But there are some texts that attempt to recreate what it would be like

You: I have been searching for years... the evidence says that it does exsist

You: the evidence led me here

Jason(7836): I see

You: are you witholding information

Jason(7836): I am glad that after all of this searching, you've come to a website that has only existed for 6 months and pays its researchers under minimum wage

You: ask for a raise

You: but i still need to find the book

Jason(7836): Ok

You: you see, a friend of mine passed away years ago... the book is the only way i can resurect her

Jason(7836): Here you go

You: Im tired of loving her corpse

Jason(7836): I understand

Jason(7836): Great shoggoth awaits

You: thank-you

Jason(7836): Cthulhu and all the rest

Jason(7836): Enjoy

Jason(7836): Are these results sufficient?

Jason(7836): Please RATE ME. Thanks for using ChaCha.

Status: Session ended.

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Status: Connecting ...

Status: Looking for a guide ...

Status: Connected to guide: Richard(35665)

Richard(35665): Welcome to ChaCha!

You: have you seen my baseball?

Richard(35665): Yes I have


Richard(35665): ???????????

You: pwnt

Richard(35665): ???????????????????

You: Thanks, I'm done.

Status: Session ended.


I would hate my life if I had to help people like me.

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Status: Connecting ...

Status: Looking for a guide ...

Status: Connected to guide: Carol(77859)

Carol(77859): Welcome to ChaCha!

Carol(77859): Hello

You: I need a list of everyone in america named Xerxes

Carol(77859): Ok one moment please

You: I'm trying to reenact a battle, and it would really help if we had people with the real names. Xerxes is hard/

Carol(77859): I'm searching :)

You: Thanks

Carol(77859): How are these?

You: I think these will work...do you know if by any chance they are willing to put their lives at risk in battle against the Spartans?

Carol(77859): I don't know anything about them sorry

You: Well then...thanks.

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Search With Guide is disabled because you have been involved in a possible abusive action. Our abuse alert is set at a low threshold to protect our visitors and guides.


If you feel that you have received this message in error, please e-mail us at abuse_resolution@chacha.com with a request for re-entry to our site.


We appreciate your feedback. Thank you.

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Search With Guide is disabled because you have been involved in a possible abusive action. Our abuse alert is set at a low threshold to protect our visitors and guides.


If you feel that you have received this message in error, please e-mail us at abuse_resolution@chacha.com with a request for re-entry to our site.


We appreciate your feedback. Thank you.


You got owned. I told you that you had to be subtle. :doh:

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Status: Connecting ...

Status: Looking for a guide ...

Ring: ...

Status: Connected to guide: Ashley(70978)

Ashley(70978): Welcome to ChaCha!

You: i need to know the fastest street car known to man

You: no?

You: probably the mustang

You: Thanks, I'm done.

Status: Session ended.



Status: Looking for a guide ...

Ring: ...

Status: Connected to guide: Erika(42508)

Erika(42508): Welcome to ChaCha!

You: i need to know the largest woman alive

You: and contact info if available

Transfer: You are being transfered to another guide who can help you search even better!

Status: Looking for a guide ...

Ring: ...

Status: Connected to guide: Penny(19643)

Penny(19643): Welcome to ChaCha!

You: hi penny

Penny(19643): Hi

You: i need to know who the largest woman alive is

Penny(19643): ok

You: and contact info if available

Penny(19643): Give me a few min. to find this info.

You: sure thing abe

You: see what i did there?

You: lil joke to break the ice

Penny(19643): oh ok

You: not funny huh?

Penny(19643): lol

You: can you answer two questions at once or should i wait?

Penny(19643): let me find this one.

You: ok

Penny(19643): Thanks for being patient! Rest assured I'm finding the most relevant results for your search.

Penny(19643): what is the second question

You: awesome work

Penny(19643): thanks

You: it is...how much horsepower does a 1998 V6 mustang have stock?

Penny(19643): ok, brb....

You: this kid martin thinks it is more than 150...and i just cant see that possible

You: so ill split my winnings with you penny

You: how is scarlett johanssen the fattest woman alive? she is skinny and hot

You: oh well..2nd question is more important

You: i have faith in your skills penny

Penny(19643): I have found 150 hp...

You: i knew it penny

You: $200 buck-a-roos comin your way

Penny(19643): lol

You: after he races me...

You: been great help penny

Penny(19643): thanks

Penny(19643): have a great night

Penny(19643): Please RATE ME. Thanks for using ChaCha.

Status: Session ended.


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You: it is...how much horsepower does a 1998 V6 mustang have stock?

Penny(19643): ok, brb....

You: this kid martin thinks it is more than 150...and i just cant see that possible

You: so ill split my winnings with you penny

You: how is scarlett johanssen the fattest woman alive? she is skinny and hot

You: oh well..2nd question is more important

You: i have faith in your skills penny

Penny(19643): I have found 150 hp...

You: i knew it penny

You: $200 buck-a-roos comin your way

Penny(19643): lol

You: after he races me...

You: been great help penny

Penny(19643): thanks

Penny(19643): have a great night

Penny(19643): Please RATE ME. Thanks for using ChaCha.

Status: Session ended.





Martin needs to read this.

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Guide Session

Status: Connecting ...

Status: Looking for a guide ...

Status: Connected to guide: dorian(81301)

dorian(81301): Welcome to ChaCha!

You: Hello

dorian(81301): hello! how are you today? =)

You: Fabolous and you?

dorian(81301): i'm great!

You: Thats good

dorian(81301): you want to know how many licks it takes to get to e center of a tootsie pop?

You: yup

dorian(81301): okay, just one moment ! =)

You: That owl on the commercial always says 2 then bites it...

You: that owl is a cheater

dorian(81301): I think this should help...

dorian(81301): well

dorian(81301): the world may never know

dorian(81301): but honestly who doesn't bite the tootsie pop?

dorian(81301): it takes much too long to lick to get to the center

You: I dont know

You: very true

dorian(81301): me either

dorian(81301): i don't think we'll ever really know

You: I'm about to find out

dorian(81301): maybe if you get a hungry dog to keep licking it?

dorian(81301): just keep count

dorian(81301): and dont let him bite it

You: It could effect it though, like what if it's an old sucker

dorian(81301): ahh yeah

You: kinda stale

dorian(81301): you have to take those things into consideration

dorian(81301): i'd buy a new one

You: Yeah

You: k thanks

dorian(81301): you're welcome =)

dorian(81301): is there anything else I can help you with today ? =)

You: Yeah, I was wondering what car in the world can possibly beat a mustang in a race

dorian(81301): hmm

dorian(81301): one moment

You: Because they also say nothing can beat a civic

You: so wouldnt that be contradictory?

dorian(81301): how about this

You: awesome

dorian(81301): here's another =)

dorian(81301): i'm sure they can beat the pants off a mustang

dorian(81301): you're welcome!

You: yeah

You: all done

dorian(81301): have a good night! =)

dorian(81301): Please RATE ME. Thanks for using ChaCha.

Status: Session ended.

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Status: Connecting ...

Status: Looking for a guide ...

Ring: ...

Ring: ...

Status: Connected to guide: cody(80574)

cody(80574): Welcome to ChaCha!

You: what is the square root of cherry pie

cody(80574): Hello

cody(80574): let me search.

You: i dont knwo if this could be correct or not, but would it be an endless amount of cherry pies??

cody(80574): Hmm maybe.

You: and i fso, is there a bakery that i could order the square root of cherry pie.

You: they would have to send me cherry pies for life

You: that really didnt help me out much

cody(80574): Im getting another link

You: thats lemon supreme pie.. i wanted cherry

You: alright then..

cody(80574): Please be more specific as to what you're looking for on this topic.

You: i mena yes the mathmatical question can be answered, but what i want to know is whats the square root of cherry pie, the food

You: im basically looking for a way to get free pies for life

You: cherry of course

cody(80574): Yeah that im not sure.

cody(80574): want me to search that for you? how to get pies for life?

You: that link is for cherry cheesecake

You: i need cherry pie

You: no i need sqaure root of cheryr pie

cody(80574): Yeah im trying to get cherry pies

You: do you like that song.. "shes my cherry pie"

cody(80574): yeah.

You: its pretty good

You: see if you are the one searching for this answer and you cant find it maybe ill be able to stump a bakery and get free pies

You: but onyl i fi know the answer

cody(80574): I cant find any good results for that search. sorry

You: thus the need for the answer

You: oh snap!

cody(80574): what?

You: well no wwhat

You: what am i to do now

cody(80574): I can transfer you to another guide perhaps

You: well how about the square root of apple pie??? its my second favorite

cody(80574): Want me to transfer you?

You: ehh.. ill pass thanks anyway

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and this one is my favorite so far...



Status: Connecting ...

Status: Looking for a guide ...

Status: Connected to guide: Derek(46008)

Derek(46008): Welcome to ChaCha!

You: im looking for a website

Derek(46008): Alright, great.

Derek(46008): What exactly are you looking for?

You: its chacha something

Derek(46008): Hm.. let me think.

You: my friend told me about it

Derek(46008): Do people answer your search queries live?

You: no

You: i figured youd ask me that though

You: its an adult website

Derek(46008): So this isn't a joke.

You: no

Derek(46008): Hm, we're usually prohibited from that sort of content. Is it pornography?

You: yes and no, i mean its a place for mexican americans to meet each other

You: i dont think there is any nudity or such

You: its more of a matchmaker thing

Derek(46008): One moment, I'll see if I can find it for you.

You: im really into mexican woman

You: i think the have the best curves

You: dont you think

Derek(46008): How are these results?

Derek(46008): I couldn't quite find another site called chacha.

Derek(46008): But these are along the same path.

You: huh.. i have been to 2 of those three

You: but havent found any hto woman there

You: he said this chacha whatever was the spot to go to

Derek(46008): This is a shame. Would you like me to search for anything else?

You: i meam honestly you think im a lonely guy for trying to find a girl online

You: or am i even more lame for asking you this

Derek(46008): Well, hopefull I was able to help you. Keep trying!

Derek(46008): Have a good one.

You: im just in a slump

Derek(46008): Please RATE ME. Thanks for using ChaCha.

You: figured the internet was a good way to jump start things

Status: Session ended.

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and you all need to read this lol.. i was caught!! and informed


Status: Connecting ...

Status: Looking for a guide ...

Ring: ...

Status: Connected to guide: Craig(78597)

Craig(78597): Welcome to ChaCha!

You: hello craig

Craig(78597): Hi there

Craig(78597): This is some serious math right here.

You: im looking for crotchless undergarments

Craig(78597): Because like. . . most cherry pies are. . . you know, round.

Craig(78597): Oh yeah? I guess I could find those for you.

Craig(78597): Just a moment while I find you some relevant links.

You: whats with the cherry pie comment

Craig(78597): Your current search query

Craig(78597): "What is the square root of cherry pie"

Craig(78597): We can see what you type into the search box, heh, it's how we decide who takes the search.

You: your on top of your game craig.. you sir deserve kudos

Craig(78597): It's best if your query relates in some way to what you really want to find. Makes it easier on us, hehe.

Craig(78597): Yeah I do my best.

You: let me aks you somethign for real though

Craig(78597): Go for it

You: is there like 50 of you in a room doing this stuff

You: like a call center

Craig(78597): Nah we all work from home on our own time.

You: realyl.. that is pretty slick

You: whats it pay

Craig(78597): I thought so too.

You: is this a worldwide thing, or jsut a local thing?? like located in one state

Craig(78597): You start out at a lousy five bucks per search hour, but as you advance in rank (the actual ranking system is hidden from us to keep us from playing the system like a game) we get bumped up to 10 bucks per active search hour.

You: nice

Craig(78597): Which ain't bad for doing searches in my underpants on the internets.

You: as you can see im pretty broed. just got off work, and a local forum i frequent found this chacha thing, and has been quite amused with it

Craig(78597): It's just a US thing right now - for simplification of employment and tax regulations that they open themselves up to I think.

You: which i bet you are too

Craig(78597): Yeah that's how I found it too.

Craig(78597): You from Totse?

You: lol

You: ohio

You: what is totse

Craig(78597): I was with 4chan when we started raiding lol.

Craig(78597): Oh it's another big internet forum that pranks chacha sometimes

Craig(78597): I was like "Why prank? this seems like a decent gig".

You: no im on a car forum from ohio

Craig(78597): ahh cool

You: yeha so you have a full tim egig and this on the side

You: sorry my typing skills lack

Craig(78597): Yeah, nice for filling otherwise boring hours of internet tomfoolery.

You: i see that. so i could get in on this action??

You: make a few extra dollars

Craig(78597): Theoreticaly.

Craig(78597): The only way to get in is to be invited in by a master level guide.

Craig(78597): Are these results sufficient?

You: ahh

You: ahahhaa

Craig(78597): So you've basicaly got to find a friend or family member who's already in.

You: nice

Craig(78597): Is there anything else on this topic I can find for you today?

You: well since i have failed at making a mockary of this thing, ill end this session. but will post thi sup on the forum. people will be amused

Craig(78597): Haha okay, have fun.

Craig(78597): You crazy internet people. You have a good night!

You: yup peace out

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Status: Connecting ...

Status: Looking for a guide ...

Ring: ...

Status: Connected to guide: Terry(40458)

Terry(40458): Welcome to ChaCha!

You: Suggestions on something fun to do online. That don't require installation

Terry(40458): Hi. I will be helping you with your search today!

Terry(40458): Sure do you want to play games, watch videos, or what?

You: I'm not sure.

You: working thirdd shift and bored.

You: I looked up the meaning of life which pretty much sucked.

Terry(40458): Let me give a few options

Terry(40458): Give me just a moment.

You: I'm just chillin

Terry(40458): Right on.

You: The forums i hang out were talkinga bout this place. and i figured wth it will entertain me a bit.

You: Flash games would be fun.

You: Ever herd of Spacd penguin

You: I cant find that game any more

Terry(40458): Hang on and I will look for flash games.

You: pogo requires registration and im to lazy to do that.

Terry(40458): I will now look for spaced penguin.

You: good stuff.

You: How do i get ur job? I could do it while i work were im at.

You: OMG

You: SPACe

You: EP

You: thsta it

You: sorry got a bit excited

Terry(40458): There you go.

Terry(40458): Anything else I can help you with?

You: sweet.

You: how do i get your job? I want to make extra cash on the side

You: ya know schmoke money :)

Terry(40458): You can visit chacha.com

You: i'm on here.

Terry(40458): right now the only way to be a guide is to be invited.

Terry(40458): By another guide.

You: ok

You: invite me ;)

Terry(40458): I will need a email where I may contact you.

You: edited email to cutdown on spam

Terry(40458): Ok look for an email from me.

Terry(40458): If your serious I will invite you.

You: I'm just a bored geek. Figured this would be atleast the intiersting

You: I'm serious

You: I work third shift as a engineer

You: its dead alot of the time.

You: I herd the pay is crappy but hey its something to do.

Terry(40458): Well all of the details of the pay, etc. are at chacha.com

Terry(40458): You can actually make money if you read all of the stuff.

You: ok, shoot me over that email. and take it easy were that rate me dealio I will give you some good ratings.

Terry(40458): thanks

Terry(40458): Thanks for using chacha!

Terry(40458): Please RATE ME. Thanks for using ChaCha.

Status: Session ended.



Sweet invited.


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My friend came over earlier and we decided to give it a try....


Status: Connecting ...

Status: Looking for a guide ...

Ring: ...

Ring: ...

Status: Connected to guide: Cheri(74863)

Cheri(74863): Welcome to ChaCha!

Cheri(74863): Hello!

You: hola

You: como estas

Cheri(74863): NADA

Cheri(74863): or bien

You: a

You: ah*

You: bien

Cheri(74863): I see your search and I am not sure if I can find that info for fact, but probably what the tabloids say

You: i need to know what drugs lindsay lohan

You: does

You: do you think she prostitutes herself for them?

Cheri(74863): I doubt it

You: or do you think she makes enough doing horrible acting to buy all she needs?

Cheri(74863): Hold on please

You: is that required?

Cheri(74863): Are these results sufficient?

You: mm

You: good enough

Cheri(74863): Is there anything else on this topic I can find for you today?

You: umm

You: possibly

You: idk if you might be able to find out or not but.... d

You: o they make lindsay lohan look alike blow up dolls?

Cheri(74863): no, i don't think i am allowed to do that

You: oh

You: ok

You: you dont know personally do you?

Cheri(74863): no

Cheri(74863): Please RATE ME. Thanks for using ChaCha.

Status: Session ended

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Status: Connecting ...

Status: Looking for a guide ...

Status: Connected to guide: April(25813)

April(25813): Welcome to ChaCha!

You: well thank you, hows your day?

April(25813): Hi there, mine is great, thank you! Looking for info on STDs? Any in particular?

You: well im not really sure, you see i was at this party and hooked up with this chick and now it burns when i pee

You: im just trying to figure out with it is

April(25813): Okay, just a moment.

You: do you need to know any more symtoms?

April(25813): Sure, I might be able to use the info for a better search, if you're comfortable.

You: as long as it doesnt make you not like me

April(25813): :) I like you.

You: ok well, besides the burning when i pee, my testicals are very sore, and swolen, and sometimes there are bumps that puss and stuff that show up on my scrotum, and my sac hiar is falling out

You: and erections hurt real bad

April(25813): That doesn't sound good at all. I'm going to see if I can find a couple more sites for you, but I would highly suggest seeing a doctor ASAP.

You: ...maybe i should have waited to loose my virginity..

You: docters will just laugh at me

April(25813): No, doctors deal with this stuff all the time. If you're uncomfortable with seeing your regular doc, you could visit your county health department. Usually health departments have clinics that deal with these sorts of things frequently.

You: i shouldnt have had sex with this girl i fell so dumb, and now im never gunna be able to have sex again

April(25813): Do you feel these results are sufficient?

You: can i ask you another?

April(25813): Sure.

You: have you ever had anything like this..

You: you know anyone that has

You: ..i hope i can have sex again...i dont want the first time to be the last..it felt really good

April(25813): Of course you'll be able to have sex again, though I would suggest waiting until it's with someone right, someone who loves you.

April(25813): No, I'm sorry, I haven't and I don't personally know anyone. But then again, I'm in my 30's and have been married for 9 years. My husband and I are both Christians and waited until we were married.

You: if i do have an std..do you know where i can find single girls that have them too

April(25813): Honestly, it may seem like a long time to wait, but you may want to consider waiting until you're married or atleast in a committed relationship. I mean what did this casual encounter do for you? It made you sick.

April(25813): That's not the way you want to go. It's very possible what you have can be cured with antibiotics or other meds. See a doctor, asap.

You: this is a very hard time for me..id rather you keep you opinions of me to your self

You: i know im sick..you dont have to rub it in

April(25813): Well, you asked me a personal question, so I felt like I had permission to share personal opinion. I apologize if I offended you.

April(25813): Is there anything else I can help you with?

You: its ok, you have a nice night..and please..the next time your in bed with your husbend..think of me

April(25813): Take care, I'm sure everything will be all right.

You: OWNED!!

April(25813): Please RATE ME. Thanks for using ChaCha.

Status: Session ended

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Status: Connecting ...

Status: Looking for a guide ...

Ring: ...

Status: Connected to guide: Jennifer(81304)

Jennifer(81304): Welcome to ChaCha!

You: hi jen

Jennifer(81304): Hello

Jennifer(81304): How can I help today?

You: looking for directions on how to build a black powder bomb

You: its for a school assignment

Jennifer(81304): ya

You: yeah

Transfer: You are being transfered to another guide who can help you search even better!

Status: Looking for a guide ...

Status: Connected to guide: Christina(81186)

Christina(81186): Welcome to ChaCha!

Christina(81186): Hi, How may I help you?

You: hi

You: I'm looking for direction on how to build a black poower bomb

You: its for a school assignment

Christina(81186): Welcome to ChaCha! Please wait a moment while I search for your results.

You: ok

You: so how are you today

You: or images of so if possible

Christina(81186): is this power or powder?

You: sorry powder

Christina(81186): One moment please. Let me transfer you to someone who can help you on this subject

Transfer: You are being transfered to another guide who can help you search even better!

Status: Looking for a guide ...

Ring: ...

Status: Connected to guide: Caryl(28057)

Caryl(28057): Welcome to ChaCha!

You: hi

Caryl(28057): Hi! I have already begun your search and will be with you momentarily.

You: k

Caryl(28057): I am sorry but I am not coming up with anything. Could there be another name for it?

You: hello?

You: oh ok

You: is there anyting you can find about making simple bombs?

Caryl(28057): I think I have found something....give me a sec.

You: ok

Caryl(28057): I am having computer problems and I am going to have to shut down...sorry. Pls. try another guide...thanks.

Caryl(28057): Thank you for using ChaCha!

Status: Session ended.



they weren't too keen on building bombs for some reason????

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Status: Connecting ...

Status: Looking for a guide ...

Status: Connected to guide: Penny(19643)

Penny(19643): Welcome to ChaCha!

You: hai

Penny(19643): hi

You: these people on the internet said i am a ricer because of what my car looks like

You: and it made me cry a lot...

Penny(19643): I

You: i need to know if i am a ricer

Penny(19643): Ive never heard of a ricer

You: well

You: i drive a honda civic

Penny(19643): That is just name calling

You: and i am korean

You: it hurts me when they make fun of my car

Penny(19643): ohhhh they are being rude

You: i spent time and money on it

Penny(19643): Be proud of it.

You: and they keep telling me that they can beat me in their mustangs

You: is that true can they beat me?

Penny(19643): Soooo how much gas do they get a gallon and I bet yours gets much better.

You: yeah maybe

You: but i changed the engine in my car

Penny(19643): Yes, a mustang is a faster car than a cicic

You: so i get worse gas mileage then normal

Penny(19643): ohhh

Penny(19643): Is it a big engine.

You: does changing my engine to a bigger one make me beat a mustang?

You: yes it is bigger... its from a honda truck

Penny(19643): not sure..

You: well

Penny(19643): You need to tell them that if

You: is there such a thing as a mustang ricer?

You: something that i can say back to them? or a picture?

Penny(19643): their mustangs are soooo fast, why are they wanting to race a Honda???

You: they said they will race me for $20

Penny(19643): Tell them to go and race a GTO and then come and tell you about it,

You: oh a GTO is better then a mustang?

You: like the old GTOs?

Penny(19643): oh yea

Penny(19643): oh heck yes

You: have you driven a GTO before? i haven't

Penny(19643): yes

You: that is neat

You: how fast are they?

You: also this guy said his V6 mustang has more then 150HP. i don't think that is true...

You: are you still there?

Penny(19643): They are almost too fast.

Penny(19643): or a pontiac 442.

Penny(19643): All you have to do is ask them this one question,

Penny(19643): Why are you wanting to race a mustang against a Honda Civic??? Sounds like you are afraid of losing to a real muscle car... that is what to say

Penny(19643): say this to them

Penny(19643): Say.. If I would have wanted to race I would have bought something a little bit tougher than a mustang....

You: oh ok

You: so does a V6 mustang have more then 150HP? i don't think that is true..

You: i think he is lying

Penny(19643): Laugh at them and shake your head and walk away.

You: my engine has 130HP and it only a 4 cyl

Penny(19643): Im not sure, but hey 150 is not the fastest.

You: he said he had too much heat from racing in front of a cop station

Penny(19643): hold on

You: and that is why he won't race me.

You: what does "heat" mean?

Penny(19643): It can mean a race.

You: ok i will hold for you. you have been the nicest to me today about my car

You: i feel better

Penny(19643): hold on

You: ok

Penny(19643): Tell them to go and race a camero GT....

Penny(19643): That will kick their butts

You: oh a camero is the best?

You: what year?

Penny(19643): Its much faster than a mustang

Penny(19643): let me see

You: would a 2006 dodge caravan v6 beat a mustang v6 ?

Penny(19643): im not sure

You: i know someone who drives that. I heard dodge was good too

You: but camero is the best?

Penny(19643): dodge is good but it has to be a muscle car.

You: like a dodge viper?

You: i wish i could afford one of those

Penny(19643): OHHHHH YES

Penny(19643): good choice

Penny(19643): then you would kick butt

You: if i had a Viper then no one would make fun of me

Penny(19643): right

You: what about if i had a dodge srt-4 ?

You: i saw one of those before

Penny(19643): hey, I am getting a signal that I am on too long.... this has been great. have a great day...dont forget to rate me.

Penny(19643): Thank you for using ChaCha!

Status: Session ended.

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Status: Connecting ...

Status: Looking for a guide ...

Status: Connected to guide: Carl(66195)

Carl(66195): Welcome to ChaCha!

Carl(66195): wtf

You: what you mean "wtf"

Carl(66195): you wanna start somethin?

You: yo you got beef?

Carl(66195): you wanna get somethin started? i'll crack your head

You: don't sing it, bring it

Carl(66195): listen man don't mess with me, you don't know how i do

You: you're all talk

You: i think you're BSin

Carl(66195): you think so? i'll drop you like your mom dropped on my black pipe cleaner last night

You: HAHAHA ohhhh SNAP

You: carl be talkin trash!

Carl(66195): Pikachu got Chickorita pregnant, and she wants to leave Ash and return to the wild. Pikachu must make a choice between his best friend, and the one he loves.

You: listen here you little sack of crap, i dont wanna hear about no pokeman

Carl(66195): what do you like to play?

You: i got a question and you need to start searchin

Carl(66195): pokemon?

Carl(66195): you see

Carl(66195): the kids

Carl(66195): they listen to the rap

Carl(66195): and it gives them the brain damage

Carl(66195): with their hippin and their hoppin

You: you wanna shoot dice with me beyotch?

Carl(66195): and their bippin and their boppin

Carl(66195): so they dont know what the jazz is all about

Carl(66195): you see?

You: you smokin sumthin strong tonight?

Carl(66195): only that purp, you know how we do at chacha

You: wheres yo manager at

You: he smokin weed too?

Carl(66195): chea niqqa

Carl(66195): jazz is like jello pudding

You: awwww snap son

Carl(66195): no, actually its more like kodak film

Carl(66195): NO, it's actually like a new coat

Carl(66195): it'll be around forever hehehheheheheheh

Carl(66195): come on little fella you like to jump rope

Carl(66195): what do you think candy is made of? POKAYMON

Carl(66195): Thank you for using ChaCha! Have a great night!

Carl(66195): Thank you for using ChaCha!

Status: Session ended.



Damn, Carl was hyper tonight.....

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