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Status: Looking for a guide ...

Ring: ...

Status: Connected to guide: Tammy(81185)

Tammy(81185): Welcome to ChaCha!

You: yo wheres that dude Carl at?

You: he is smokin chronic on the job

You: fire him tammy

You: you can do it baby

Tammy(81185): I'll see what I can do

You: what are you wearing?

Tammy(81185): Can I find anything for you?

You: do you know who carl is? he works with you

You: he's your co-worker

You: i talked to him

Tammy(81185): No idea. I can try to transfer you and you might get him.

You: he was babblin about pokemon

You: cool transfer me, i gotta set him straight

Transfer: You are being transfered to another guide who can help you search even better!

Status: Looking for a guide ...

Ring: ...

Status: Connected to guide: Brian(73486)

Brian(73486): Welcome to ChaCha!

Brian(73486): Welcome to ChaCha! Please wait a moment while I search for your results.

You: brian?

You: are you carl's gay lover or somethin?

You: or maybe just a carl knock-off

You: Thanks, I'm done.

Status: Session ended.



Status: Looking for a guide ...

Ring: ...

Status: Connected to guide: Brian(74527)

Brian(74527): Welcome to ChaCha!

Brian(74527): hello how are you today? an what can i help you with?

You: are you the same brian i just talked to?

You: whats them 5 numbers after your name

Brian(74527): dont think so

You: oh there must be more than 1 brian

You: how many ppl work for chacha?

Brian(74527): yea

Brian(74527): is that what you need searchd?

You: nah, carl66195 was talkin smack to me, he sayin he was smokin weed and stuff, and you should fire him

You: or report him to your boss and get a promotion

Brian(74527): you can send a report

You: if you need a promotion do it, it beats suckin dick

Brian(74527): i cant do any of that

You: nah thats your job, i just wanna help you out

Brian(74527): Thank you for using ChaCha!

Status: Session ended.



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kinda like undr psi


Status: Connecting ...

Status: Looking for a guide ...

Ring: ...

Status: Connected to guide: Kayla(81073)

Kayla(81073): Welcome to ChaCha!

Kayla(81073): Hi there :)

You: Hey

Kayla(81073): Could you be more specific about what you are needing to find out about STDs

You: I think I have one so I need info on the most common symptoms

Kayla(81073): Go ahead and look over this first site while I find more sources.

You: I hooked up with this girl at a party and it burns when i pee

Kayla(81073): You could just have a urinary tract infection, I will get you a site with symptoms of that as well.

You: guys can get those?

Kayla(81073): Yep. Less common, but still possible.

You: oh

You: im nervous

Kayla(81073): I'm sorry you're nervous. Would you also like me to find you information about testing?

You: yes

Kayla(81073): alright, just give me a moment for me to complete your search

You: I dont want my parents to find out

You: they are really religous

Kayla(81073): Well, if you go to a clinic they won't be able to find out.

Kayla(81073): are you located in the US?

You: Yes

Kayla(81073): alright.

You: I dont want people to look at me funny

Kayla(81073): They'll be there for the same reasons. Nothing to be embarassed about.

You: i get embarassed easliy

Kayla(81073): Sorry to hear that.

You: Have alot of people asked about stuff like that on here?

You: I hope you dont think im a loser cause i might have an std

Kayla(81073): I haven't been a guide for very long, so I don't know. But I do post a lot on a teen sexuality forum and it's a common concern, along with pregnancy.

Kayla(81073): I don't think you're a loser.

Kayla(81073): It's very responsible to get tested instead of ignoring it.

You: people ignore them?

Kayla(81073): A lot of STDs do not have symptoms, or people are too scared to get tested.

You: Im not very educated in this area i was peer pressured into it by some older guys

Kayla(81073): Check out the most recent link I posted. It says that nearly 75 percent of people will contract an STD.

You: oh my god

You: Are they curable?

Kayla(81073): Some are.

You: what do they have to do?

Kayla(81073): The curable ones are bacterial infections, then they will just get you an antibiotic.

You: oh can I still have sex while im taking the antibiotic?

You: because I really liked it

Kayla(81073): Sure.

You: does it also mean i might have something if my private parts smell funny?

Kayla(81073): It might.

You: Could you maybe see fi you could find anything on that?

Kayla(81073): yes

Kayla(81073): Don't see anything about odor.

You: The more and more i read the more scared i get

Kayla(81073): I'm sorry. You should get tested then, to set your mind at ease. You will find locations and pricing at the planned parenthood site I posted.

Kayla(81073): I've set you up with a lot of good sites, is there anything else I can help you with?

You: no this should be ok

Kayla(81073): Alright, good luck with everything. If you liked the links I provided, please rate me. :)

You: k

Kayla(81073): Have a good day.

Kayla(81073): Please RATE ME. Thanks for using ChaCha.

Status: Session ended.

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this ended up interesting....


Status: Connecting ...

Status: Looking for a guide ...

Status: Connected to guide: Kole(80848)

Kole(80848): Welcome to ChaCha!

Kole(80848): so what exactly are you looking for

You: Something blue that hangs in my front yard

Kole(80848): well, i'm going to have to know your address

You: are you sure?

Kole(80848): well, yea i have to set the spy sattelite coordinates to your house to find out what hangs there

You: its 1397 loop road

Kole(80848): ok, i'lll try

Kole(80848): is it this?

You: Kind of looks like that

Kole(80848): is this better?

You: Although it seams to have arms and legs

Kole(80848): this?

You: Kind it has big lips

You: kinda*

Kole(80848): this?

You: YES!

Kole(80848): sweet

Kole(80848): ok i have to ask you this

You: ?

Kole(80848): how do i shot web?

You: you mean shoot?

Kole(80848): nevermind

You: whats shot web?

Kole(80848): its one of my friends thing

Kole(80848): i thought u mighta been him

Kole(80848): messin with me

You: ohh

You: nope!

Kole(80848): what forum are you posting in?

You: I didnt think you would actually send me a picture of a black guy

You: thats awesome

You: I laughed

Kole(80848): well you said blue and big lips

You: lol

Kole(80848): i thought jazzy jeff

You: haha

Kole(80848): i lold

You: I post on columbusracing.com

Kole(80848): ohhh, but they don't condone illegal street racing

You: nope

Kole(80848): what kind of car do you have?

You: 99 eclipse gsx

Kole(80848): cool

You: makes about 600+hp

Kole(80848): i have a 92 civic with a jdm b18c in it

You: nice

You: turbo?

Kole(80848): no

You: ohok

Kole(80848): it messes with the vtec

You: ohh

Kole(80848): they don't last very long with turbo

You: my roomate has a 98 si

Kole(80848): a hatch?

You: no coupe

Kole(80848): oh

You: just has an intake and exhaust

Kole(80848): yea it would have to be jdm to be the hatchback

You: yeah

Kole(80848): other than the engine thats all mine has

You: oh ok

You: what do you use it for?

Kole(80848): i like road racing but i don't get very many chances

You: thats cool

You: few of my friends into vws do that

Kole(80848): ive seen a lot of vw drag races

Kole(80848): my brother has one

Kole(80848): so i go watch

You: whats he drive

Kole(80848): a 67 vw bug

You: oh cool

You: i like old school bugs

Kole(80848): yea its really nice

Kole(80848): like perfect condition

You: i was gunna say if he restored it

Kole(80848): well i kinda have to go

You: haha ok thanks for bein cool

Kole(80848): its been over double the time limit

Kole(80848): you're welcome

You: haha

You: later

Kole(80848): bye

Kole(80848): Please RATE ME. Thanks for using ChaCha.

Status: Session ended.

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