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Ann Coulter is a...

El Karacho1647545492

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"I would comment on John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word 'faggot'"

-Ann Coulter


She is, in every sense of the word, a fucking cunt. I don't throw the term around loosely, but she definitely earns it.

What is the source on that?

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You know what's weird? I hate her with every fiber of my being; but still find her attractive in some disgusting and inexplicable way.

You're a sick man:



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John Edwards is a faggot......


why shouldn't politicians be able to think and act like anyone else maybe if more people did what she did all this politically correct bullshit would end its annoying as fuck

"Ann Coulter's words of hate have no place in the public sphere much less our political discourse."


John Edwards is a pretty boy asshat, but he is not a British pork meatball.


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Sorry Alex, what she did is something that should be done more consistently; politicians are gaping vaginas who stand up for nothing but what will get them votes in the future.


Watch the wzrdofoz


So by your logic someone who believes they have the best plan for the future of the country should run not based on what will get them in a position of power with which they could implement initiatives to solve major issues; they should rather run on whatever they believe in whether it gets them into office or not?


I agree to some degree, but definitely not the way you said it. Ann Coulter isn't running for anything. She's just a conservative firebrand that gets her jollies trying to alienate the left in this country with unethical and often just plain wrong means.


You don't call someone a faggot in a professional setting. Whether it is at an office or in politics, you just don't call someone a faggot, regardless of the degree of truth. You wouldn't spread gossip around the office calling some normal white guy a "ni***r" because that shit isn't cool. You wouldn't walk around saying your hot boss is a towelhead. You don't call political foes those names either.


I'm not defending John Edwards, I think he's a complete phony. But people like Ann Coulter just kinda piss me off, not because of their political affiliations but because of how they conduct themselves. This country needs good people in power instead of trash talking self absorbed talking heads like Bill O'Reilly and Ann Coulter. We don't need people who make their bread and butter by making inflammatory comments about others, we need people who succeed by representing the will of the people.

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I agree to some degree, but definitely not the way you said it. Ann Coulter isn't running for anything. She's just a conservative firebrand that gets her jollies trying to alienate the left in this country with unethical and often just plain wrong means.

True, I know what you mean. I was just applying her metaphorical penis size to actual politicians, who, in reality, are just puppets anymore and have no testicular fortitude...

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Exactly, so who gives a fuck what she said. Notice how John Edwards is trying to make money off of her comment? Yeah, real professional.

no offense, but that's the most retarded assertion of the entire thread. He's running a campaign (a soon-to-be failed campaign). Everyone who runs a campaign uses every excuse to raise money for it. He's not keeping the money.


So yes, it's in fact VERY professional.

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no offense, but that's the most retarded assertion of the entire thread. He's running a campaign (a soon-to-be failed campaign). Everyone who runs a campaign uses every excuse to raise money for it. He's not keeping the money.


So yes, it's in fact VERY professional.

I was commenting on how Edwards was being just as professional as Coulter. He's using a woman calling him a faggot as terms to raise more money for his theory-based leftist campaign. Yes, you're right, most politicians will raise money this way but I don't agree with it.


Only a liberal would be offended by a word meaning "a bundle of sticks".

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"Ann Coulter's words of hate have no place in the public sphere much less our political discourse."


John Edwards is a pretty boy asshat, but he is not a British pork meatball.




its america she can say anything she wants if more people just said what they really felt we'd have less trouble

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