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Just-In-Time Debugger?

Kevin R.

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Anyone know what the hell this is?


It pops up and asks to debug when I view people's AIM profiles. It just started after I installed Microsoft Office 2002.


It has a list and says


Please choose a debugger.


Possible debuggers:


New instance of Microsoft Script Editor


If I say yes it opens this program with a shit ton of weird text and does nothing. Then when I exit it says "Stop debugging?"


I can say "No" to the original question to debug but it pops up every time and is getting pretty damn annoying.


Is this normal?



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Maybe I am jumping to conclusions here, but are you calling me ignorant?


No, I am saying that most idiot teenagers who spend their days on MySpace and Facebook downloading the latest "custom smiley" programs are too dumb to realize they might have a virus that they are spreading to others.

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Anyone know what the hell this is?


It pops up and asks to debug when I view people's AIM profiles. It just started after I installed Microsoft Office 2002.


It has a list and says


Please choose a debugger.


Possible debuggers:


New instance of Microsoft Script Editor


If I say yes it opens this program with a shit ton of weird text and does nothing. Then when I exit it says "Stop debugging?"


I can say "No" to the original question to debug but it pops up every time and is getting pretty damn annoying.


Is this normal?




Make sure these are checked to stop it from nagging you.


Tools->Internet Options…->Advanced->Disable Script Debugging (Internet Explorer)

Tools->Internet Options…->Advanced->Disable Script Debugging (Other)

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Ah, gotcha. Sorry about the assumption Pat.


So I have a virus you think?


Weird it started after I took the laptop home and had Office 02 installed...


Microsoft Script Editor comes with Office 2002. So it probably turns on debugging by default.

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Microsoft Script Editor comes with Office 2002. So it probably turns on debugging by default.


Could explain it...


I turned off the thing in Internet Options and something popped up when coming back to CR. Weird


Scanning for viruses right now..


I hope that is not it. I have had enough problems with this laptop.

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