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Obama won O H I O!!!


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Far as offense I did, only because it wasw a total of 4 workers, two older as in above 30 two younger as in under 25. I use that cause they were either older then me or younger.

the younger girls were saying that they wanted their choice to win, when the others workers told them it was in appropriate to talk about that while there were people trying to vote, they didn't sem to care that much and continued talking about how they wanted their change and why............

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Oh noes! Barack HUSSEIN Obama takes Ohio! :eek:

I'm skeerd.


LOL... Me too. I am about to cling to my guns and my religion. LOL

PUTTY, I told you this thing would be a wrap before midnight. PA goes to Obama and its curtins. You knew it too but were just a bit nervous about calling it too soon.

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Who here thinks their life is actually going to get better once Obama is president? explain to me why and how?

I do. Just a few off the top of my head:

a) The world will see the US as a bit progressive and not arrogant and stupid. (It matters what they think because we can get more done internationally )

b) An end to the war in sight. No more young kids getting killed for bullshit.

c) Better healthcare. (maybe not this term but hopefully next)

d) Improvement in race relations in America.

e) Tax breaks for the middle class. (That's me.)

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It wouldn't...

But.. I think people may lose more jobs with Obama, since 'taxing the rich' seems to be one of his ideas, do people not realize we work for rich people, that's who owns the companies you and I work for, if their cost goes up (taxes) they are going to either reduce wages, or cut work force to keep their profits in line.

I don't think a tax break will matter if I lose my job, or if companies all raise prices of their products because their taxes went up.

I've never had a problem with race, and I think people that do are f'ked up anyway, and whoever is the president wont change how people think.

The war ending if fine with me.

Canada's Heath care system is terrible, people die on waiting list their for procedure we get people in for immediately, why would we want to switch to a nationalized heath care system like they have, when they are coming here for health care?

I don't like paying my copay, and my medicine may cost a lot, but hey, at least I can get to the doctor when I need to and I don't wait in a line for 3 hours, and if I need surgery I get it without being put on a waiting list.

Grouping everyone in the entire united states into one heath care system is a terrible Idea, you are going to group all the junkies and druggies and people who don't work in with you and I who bust our asses off at work everyday and don't do drugs, and evenly distribute the benefits among all of us, sorry that is bullshit. Don't forget not everyone in this country feels the need to work for a living, its not going to balance out.

Edited by 12oclocker
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It wouldn't...

But.. I think people may lose more jobs with Obama, since 'taxing the rich' seems to be one of his ideas, do people not realize we work for rich people, that's who owns the companies you and I work for, if their cost goes up (taxes) they are going to either reduce wages, or cut work force to keep their profits in line.

You know the rich are rich for a REASON people! They work for what they have!!!!!!!!!!! I for one am sick and tired of taking care of people who don't want to work for a freakin thing!!!

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It wouldn't...

And right there you have your answer why McCain is a horrible, horrible choice.

But.. I think people may lose more jobs with Obama, since 'taxing the rich' seems to be one of his ideas, do people not realize we work for rich people, that's who owns the companies you and I work for, if their cost goes up (taxes) they are going to either reduce wages, or cut work force to keep their profits in line.

Yea, because keeping the taxes low on the rich has worked so great for the last 9 months worth of negative job growth and unemployment. :rolleyes:

I'll never understand why people think this 'trickle down' economics works. I want the tax cut. I don't want my BOSS to get the tax cut and feel privileged that he decided to pay me a 2% raise each year.

It's ironic that the Conservatives decry 'socialism' when the gov't gets their money, but it's OK when some rich guys get it and decides how to distribute it (trickle down) back to them.

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It wouldn't...

But.. I think people may lose more jobs with Obama, since 'taxing the rich' seems to be one of his ideas, do people not realize we work for rich people, that's who owns the companies you and I work for, if their cost goes up (taxes) they are going to either reduce wages, or cut work force to keep their profits in line.

Canada's Heath care system is terrible, people die on waiting list their for procedure we get people in for immediately, why would we want to switch to a nationalized heath care system like they have, when they are coming here for health care?


hopefully i still have a job through the winter

this economy sucks

honda is cheap, and hires the cheapest labor they can

they fired 7 people in the past 2 weeks just to make more money, while they make people like me do 2 jobs now for the wages of 1

sorry, rant.

irritated with work.

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