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Obama won O H I O!!!


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It wouldn't...

But.. I think people may lose more jobs with Obama, since 'taxing the rich' seems to be one of his ideas, do people not realize we work for rich people, that's who owns the companies you and I work for, if their cost goes up (taxes) they are going to either reduce wages, or cut work force to keep their profits in line.

Don't want to hijack Puttys thread but gotta respond. That was Bush's economic policy was and you see where that got us. The flip side to that arguement is that if the middle class gets more money they will buy stuff and therefore businesses will benefit. Just because rich people have their taxes increased a bit they're going to close up shop and take their ball and go home. You take $10 grand (just picked that number out of the air) from someone who makes $300 grand a year and their spending behavior does not change much. However, if you take $2 grand from someone who makes $20 grand a year and they will prolly change their behavior significantly.

Not going to debate this here tonight though. Its irrlevent. Barack Obama is going to be number 44!!!!!!


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LOL.... I wonder how long it would take for the F-15s to pull up beside you guys. I'd bet you wouldn't be able to make it 20 minutes inside the IL line.

That'd be the closest I come to a F15, so i'm for it.

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We're stealing a Cessna? I thought we were rolling in a G5 son.

Ok maybe not Wisconsin but you'd definitely be passed Chicago. I'm from Chicago and the city is a little over 20 min inside of the IL line by car.

But, if Flounder is flying I'm down. I haven't been back home in a while.

Edited by Kip Drordy
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I for one am sick and tired of taking care of people who don't want to work for a freakin thing!!!

This is why I made my statement regarding a tax break not being a handout. I thought you were making the anology that Obama's progessive tax plan would "take care" of people who didn't "want to work for a freakin thing."

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Yea, because keeping the taxes low on the rich has worked so great for the last 9 months worth of negative job growth and unemployment.

site specific examples of how low taxes caused 9 months worth of negative job growth and unemployment.

I know of some terrible bank failures that caused some problems in our market. but what you stated makes no sense?

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site specific examples of how low taxes caused 9 months worth of negative job growth and unemployment.

I know of some terrible bank failures that caused some problems in our market. but what you stated makes no sense?

It's cite in this case, but I'll let that slide. Why do I need to cite sources when the premise of your whole point was that the RICH employ people and low taxes help them employee people? That was YOUR argument.

I've just shown that your argument is invalid. That's all.

Edited by JRMMiii
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That train of thought is thinking about 2 inches in front of your face. Why don't you step back and look at the big picture, eh?

It's not PUNISHING the rich. There are most players here than just the rich. In fact, the majority of the players, AREN'T rich.

:rolleyes: yeah, your right....its punishing the rich and small business owners..

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site specific examples of how low taxes caused 9 months worth of negative job growth and unemployment.

I know of some terrible bank failures that caused some problems in our market. but what you stated makes no sense?

Under the Bush administration job growth has not been that great. Under Bush he gave bigger tax breaks to the rich. According to the trickle down theory, job growth should have expanded. Some blame the fall of Silicon Valley, Clinton (because he got head in the Oval Office), others blame bad mortgages, ect. Regardless, low taxes for the upper crust has not equaled job growth and expansion.

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dont forget the rich get rich using us to do all their work at low pay while they make more in 1 day than we do in a year.


Thats the dumbest statement I have seen on the internet in a long time...

I'm sure you are just out there doing all you can but being kept down by the man....

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Under the Bush administration job growth has not been that great. Under Bush he gave bigger tax breaks to the rich. According to the trickle down theory, job growth should have expanded. Some blame the fall of Silicon Valley, Clinton (because he got head in the Oval Office), others blame bad mortgages, ect. Regardless, low taxes for the upper crust has not equaled job growth and expansion.

The economy is where it is because too many unqualified people were being given mortgages that they never could afford.

See the Clinton admins efforts to lower the standards of Fannie and Freddy

See the Bush admins failed attempts to change these policies in 2003...attempts shot down by Barney Frank...

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:rolleyes: yeah, your right....its punishing the rich and small business owners..

Factcheck.org says less than 5% of small businesses will have an increase in taxes. But you guys can continue to believe the McPalin ticket propoganda if you'd like. You guys can hate on Obama and his policies all night. It wont help you feel better. You're still going to be pissed. No matter what myself or JRMMii will say will change your mind. Fact of the matter is that Obama... Barack H. Obama is going to be 44 and will have a library in Illinois named after him someday. This election is over and this thread is essentially over.

Don't worry... Palin 2012 anyone?!?!?!?!? LOL.

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