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Impeach Bush ?


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I love how you know me so well. Look at the stereotype you're putting on me, just because I disagree with you on a few points.


Dr. John, still reading? Explain to them the Halo Effect, you're better at it.


Or you guys could look it up. However, it's not on Fox, so it's probably not real.


The halo effect refers to the tendency to illogically assign a host of favorable traits to an individual when only one actual favorable trait is known. For instance, if I were to show a test subject a photograph of a physically attractive person, and ask the test subject to rate in another of other areas (e.g., intelligence, social adeptness, wisdom, psychological stability), the test subject - as a result of the halo effect - would rate the person in the photograph as being high on those other traits (i.e., the test subject would opine that the person in the photograph is also intelligent, socially adept, wise, and psychologically stable). That would be, of course, illogical, since the test subject really has no basis for rating that person on the other attributes, but nevertheless inflates them simply as a product of the person's physical attractiveness. Hence, the halo effect.


What I think you may be referring to here is the devil effect, which is based on the same principle, but just opposite in effect of the halo effect - a person is rated as being negative in numerous areas when it is judged that they are negative in one area. So, in the above example, a physically unattractive person in the photograph would be rated lower in other areas (e.g., the would be judged to be less intelligent, socially inept, naive, and psychologically unstable).

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The halo effect refers to the tendency to illogically assign a host of favorable traits to an individual when only one actual favorable trait is known. For instance, if I were to show a test subject a photograph of a physically attractive person, and ask the test subject to rate in another of other areas (e.g., intelligence, social adeptness, wisdom, psychological stability), the test subject - as a result of the halo effect - would rate the person in the photograph as being high on those other traits (i.e., the test subject would opine that the person in the photograph is also intelligent, socially adept, wise, and psychologically stable). That would be, of course, illogical, since the test subject really has no basis for rating that person on the other attributes, but nevertheless inflates them simply as a product of the person's physical attractiveness. Hence, the halo effect.


What I think you may be referring to here is the devil effect, which is based on the same principle, but just opposite in effect of the halo effect - a person is rated as being negative in numerous areas when it is judged that they are negative in one area. So, in the above example, a physically unattractive person in the photograph would be rated lower in other areas (e.g., the would be judged to be less intelligent, socially inept, naive, and psychologically unstable).


I'm no doctor.....but I am a thinker, and this makes sense

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I'm pretty sure e coli and fire hazards aren't planning on flying planes into our buildings and killing people with an ak47, might just be me.


I'm not following him blindly, I try to sift the good things out of conflicts instead of calling it quits with the white flag and saying "oh well, we tried" or "it's okay, I'm French."


It's pretty fucked what you say about a human life. Do you not value others lives? Do you not want other countries to be safer and possibly help our own in the future?


And don't give me bullshit about being in the military. I discussed with a recruiter my future a few years back and due to a heart murmer I was told it wouldn't be in my interest. If we were ever attacked at home again, I'd grab my gun and be willing to fight, even to protect people like you.


Since when did the Iraqis fly planes into our buildings and kill people with AK47s? You can't blame the actions of some on everyone else.


And what exactly was fucked about what I said regarding human life? Do you not understand what I was saying? I am saying that we are sacrificing the lives of young American men and women for NO GOOD REASON, and I don't agree with it. Reading comprehension > you.


Since everything we say is a typical liberal response, by the same token yours is a typical right wing response. "Do you not want other countries to be safer and possibly help our own in the future?" Who the hell says other countries are safer now? Has attempting to convert people to our way of life irrespective of their own wishes made them safer? Has it made our soldiers safer? I think not. You were a little closer to the root of the issue with the end of that sentence... we're doing it to "help our own in the future"; plain and simple.


I'm touched at the selflessness and patriotism you exhibited when you said you would pick up your gun and fight for people like me. While I am certainly grateful for the rights I enjoy as an American, you don't have to fight on my account. The common misconception here is that our soldiers are fighting to protect our freedom. We all know that isn't what's happening. Half of them don't even believe in the reasoning for being in Iraq. Quite simply, your chosen leader has put American lives on the line to accomplish a political and financially fueled agenda. I too, would fight to defend my country; but forgive me for not condoning a war that has NOTHING to do with defending it. I guess that's one of those pesky little rights I have as an American.

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I'm touched at the selflessness and patriotism you exhibited when you said you would pick up your gun and fight for people like me.

Don't be. If he was such a person and actually believed the shit he was spouting, he'd be in the shit right now. Turns out he's just like those he votes for: Deferments et all whilst supporting the wall and acting patriotic.


Fuck a rifle, present me with a real enemy to our nation, or anyone who is an intentional threat to true peace and freedom, and I will happily wring the life from them with my bare hands. This is being a warrior; retaining your mind and not following orders when you know they are wrong. Soldiers, unfortunately, do not have that freedom. Which bring us to point two:

The common misconception here is that our soldiers are fighting to protect our freedom. We all know that isn't what's happening. Half of them don't even believe in the reasoning for being in Iraq.

Get yourself a random sampling of soldiers and you'll find that the majority think this is a bullshit war. Why do they go back? Because it's not about them, it's about the Corpse, it's about the Army, it's about the troops, plain and simple.

When you are in the shit, you could care less about red white and blue. You're in it for the man next to you, you lay down your life for him, not young republicans back home, and certainly not for your president. Roman armies marched on Rome for this very reason.

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Don't be. If he was such a person and actually believed the shit he was spouting, he'd be in the shit right now. Turns out he's just like those he votes for: Deferments et all whilst supporting the wall and acting patriotic.


Fuck a rifle, present me with a real enemy to our nation, or anyone who is an intentional threat to true peace and freedom, and I will happily wring the life from them with my bare hands. This is being a warrior; retaining your mind and not following orders when you know they are wrong. Soldiers, unfortunately, do not have that freedom. Which bring us to point two:



I have no say in entering the military, I've explained that but for some reason, you choose to not believe it because it only adds to the image you've given me. I literally researched about being a Marine. I thought long and hard. Finally, I brought my medical file to a recruiter who didn't even know me; I chose to go there on my own. I was told it wouldn't be in my interest or his to have me sign up if there was such a risk pertaining to my heart due to a mediocre murmer. I don't know what else I can say other than you're full of shit for judging me like that.


How the fuck do you figure that a handful of any given group of soldiers will have the same say as you? I have many personal friends who have served who hold a different opinion then you have. Does that mean a majority agree with going over there? No, but I don't go around bullshitting majority-this, majority-that.

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I was told it wouldn't be in my interest or his to have me sign up if there was such a risk pertaining to my heart due to a mediocre murmer.

Dude, thats the fucking Corpse, the badest of the badassed. The Army will take you, trust me. You tried for the top rung and gave up? If you can't fuck the prom queen, do you stay a virgin? :p

How the fuck do you figure that a handful of any given group of soldiers will have the same say as you?

What I said did not come from me. It came for a soldier who spent over a year in the sand. It is also unspoken law that you'll here from any grunt or jarhead. When you're in the shit, it's about your boys....and "fuck Jody", that too. :p

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What I said did not come from me. It came for a soldier who spent over a year in the sand. It is also unspoken law that you'll here from any grunt or jarhead. When you're in the shit, it's about your boys....and "fuck Jody", that too. :p

I had already figured it didn't come from you. I've heard plenty of soldiers agree and disagree with what's going on so I don't understand where you're coming from.

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I had already figured it didn't come from you. I've heard plenty of soldiers agree and disagree with what's going on so I don't understand where you're coming from.

I pay attention to what he says, he's a close freind. You don't get put in a wedding without a measure of trust. ;)....maybe he just thought I'd look good in a tux.

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