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Obama is PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!!


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All of them....?

His personal rifle was, so that means the one the group used to kill the ambassador was also a 408 Chey because it was the same caliber.

The one in the beginning wasnt either if i can remember, watching now to confirm


Beginning seen was a .50BMG

Edited by schmuckingham
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His personal rifle was, so that means the one the group used to kill the ambassador was also a 408 Chey because it was the same caliber.

The one in the beginning wasnt either if i can remember, watching now to confirm

How are you watching now? Price on that 408?

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How are you watching now? Price on that 408?

Over 6K for a base model of it.. The one in the movie was well over 10K!!...

The gun he is holding on the cover is the same one I have and that you guys got to shoot last weekend. Exact same gun.

Looks like I was right on cheytac pricing.


Edited by flounder
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How are you watching now? Price on that 408?


Over 6K for a base model of it.. The one in the movie was well over 10K!!...

The gun he is holding on the cover is the same one I have and that you guys got to shoot last weekend. Exact same gun.

Looks like I was right on cheytac pricing.


.308 FTW

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You people kill me..you act like Obama is the anti christ. We had to put up with George Bush for 8 years and Obama hasn't even taken office yet, but he's the devil himself according to the McCain supporters. Unreal. You are the same people who voted for Bush..and now your judgement is supposed to be respected?

You had your turn..8 years of driving this country into the ground...losing our standing across the world stage..gaining more enemies every single day..a deficit that is so high, I don't think there's a number to represent it anymore. And you think Obama is going to do much worse, when he hasn't even been sworn in yet?

Get real people. Give the man a chance. If he fucks it up, you are entitled to say so and throw it in my face. But, lets be honest, no matter how well he does, you'll never give him any props. You all have made this thing personal, for whataver reasons. We're ALL American. Last time I checked anyways. You're the same people who say "Support George Bush, he's out president...support the war..regardless, because he's our commander and it's the right thing to do", but yet, you are already throwing Obama under the bus. I guess he's not worthy of your support...I guess 'Support your President' only matters when the President is someone you like.

Fucking hypocrites.

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You people kill me..you act like Obama is the anti christ. We had to put up with George Bush for 8 years and Obama hasn't even taken office yet, but he's the devil himself according to the McCain supporters. Unreal. You are the same people who voted for Bush..and now your judgement is supposed to be respected?

You had your turn..8 years of driving this country into the ground...losing our standing across the world stage..gaining more enemies every single day..a deficit that is so high, I don't think there's a number to represent it anymore. And you think Obama is going to do much worse, when he hasn't even been sworn in yet?

Get real people. Give the man a chance. If he fucks it up, you are entitled to say so and throw it in my face. But, lets be honest, no matter how well he does, you'll never give him any props. You all have made this thing personal, for whataver reasons. We're ALL American. Last time I checked anyways. You're the same people who say "Support George Bush, he's out president...support the war..regardless, because he's our commander and it's the right thing to do", but yet, you are already throwing Obama under the bus. I guess he's not worthy of your support...I guess 'Support your President' only matters when the President is someone you like.

Fucking hypocrites.

I didn't vote for Bush.

Obama can't be the devil. Muslims don't believe in the devil. He'd be Iblis.

He isn't our president yet, so no we don't have to support him yet.

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You people kill me..you act like Obama is the anti christ. We had to put up with George Bush for 8 years and Obama hasn't even taken office yet, but he's the devil himself according to the McCain supporters. Unreal. You are the same people who voted for Bush..and now your judgement is supposed to be respected?

You had your turn..8 years of driving this country into the ground...losing our standing across the world stage..gaining more enemies every single day..a deficit that is so high, I don't think there's a number to represent it anymore. And you think Obama is going to do much worse, when he hasn't even been sworn in yet?

Get real people. Give the man a chance. If he fucks it up, you are entitled to say so and throw it in my face. But, lets be honest, no matter how well he does, you'll never give him any props. You all have made this thing personal, for whataver reasons. We're ALL American. Last time I checked anyways. You're the same people who say "Support George Bush, he's out president...support the war..regardless, because he's our commander and it's the right thing to do", but yet, you are already throwing Obama under the bus. I guess he's not worthy of your support...I guess 'Support your President' only matters when the President is someone you like.

Fucking hypocrites.

I didnt vote for Bush, and i dont have any affiliation with any party. I just couldnt get into the Obama hype, it felt like a Starbucks ad. Yes Bush was a bad president but Clinton wasnt any better and he has just as much a hand in this crap economy as Bush does. His whole thing was everyone in the US should own their own home and now our home owners market blows.

Now we have a tri powered Dem government and i think thats wrong on so many levels. I dont care if its Rep or Dem it should never be that way, this gov is checks and balances and now with everything Dem. powered checks and balances are out the window.

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He can't fuck us over any more than bush already has so might as well give the man a chance. I dont really stay up and follow politics a whole lot but I do know bush fucked us over pretty well. Obama can't do any worse.

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I didnt vote for Bush, and i dont have any affiliation with any party. I just couldnt get into the Obama hype, it felt like a Starbucks ad. Yes Bush was a bad president but Clinton wasnt any better and he has just as much a hand in this crap economy as Bush does. His whole thing was everyone in the US should own their own home and now our home owners market blows.

Now we have a tri powered Dem government and i think thats wrong on so many levels. I dont care if its Rep or Dem it should never be that way, this gov is checks and balances and now with everything Dem. powered checks and balances are out the window.

Mike, I agree with you on the checks on balances. I'm not looking forward to the Dems running the whole government. I believe the checks are in place for a reason..although sometimes it creates grid lock..I guess I would rather see both sides of the coin represented instead of only one.

But you know what? Blame the Republicans. This landslide was set up because people are fed up with what they have been doing. They dropped the ball. If they were taking care of business, this would not have happened. I think this is a wake up call for the Republican party.

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I agree with InyAzz... Let's wait until he's sworn in, let him do the job that he was elected to do, and see where this thing goes. I have every confidence that he will bring about some positive, and much needed alteration to this country's current state of business.

I HIGHLY doubt that the nation's richest 1% are going to pack it up and leave... They have it TOO good here, and increasing their income taxes by an avrg. of about 4% isn't going to change anything.

The whole "Obama's a Muslim" thing... Are we really still be-laboring this topic? After the election was called in Obama's favor, I did some channel surfing just get a hold of each network's take on the outcome, and to hear what each analyst had to say about what happened prior to the speeches of Obama and McCain. NOT TURNING THIS INTO A RACIAL SITUATION, but there was a lady on Fox who felt the need to remind the nation that technically Barak Obama is bi-racial, and was raised by his white grandparents. Now this is NOT news to any of us. However, I found it interesting that throughout his campaign (up until Tuesday morning), Barak was an un-American, Muslim Terrorist with terrorist ties and that NO One should support him... Now, suddenly he's bi-racial and his caucasian grandparents are responsible for his success.

Now, I think that he definitely owes accolades to his grandparents, as well as his wife, campaign mgrs, and supporters... and he did an excellent job of conveying his gratitude to those individuals.

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I didnt vote for Bush, and i dont have any affiliation with any party. I just couldnt get into the Obama hype, it felt like a Starbucks ad. Yes Bush was a bad president but Clinton wasnt any better and he has just as much a hand in this crap economy as Bush does. His whole thing was everyone in the US should own their own home and now our home owners market blows.


That's not entirely true. Yeah, the Clinton administration played a part in the collapse of the housing market..and the current financing situation. But there were many chances over the last 8 years to put regulations in place to keep the bottom from falling out.

Yeah..Clinton's administration basically told these lenders to go out and loan to everyone and their mama's...but no one forced people to get these loans. no one handed them the money. People are stupid if they get loans they can't afford..point blank. That's not Bush's or Clinton's fault. What IS their fault was that they were warned this was going to happen....that at some point this shit would catch back up to the lending institutions...and nothing was done about it. Matter of fact..wasn't McCain AGAINST that regulation? I could be wrong...

The opening up of the loans wasn't the main problem. The problem was that people are idiots..and there were no checks and balances in place to keep the bottom from falling out if the worst was to happen. Greenspan said it himself..he thought the industry would police itself...and it didn't.

You want to blame someone? Blame the people making MILLIONS of DOLLARS in these companies that KNEW this was happening, but inflated #'s to line their pockets with more money. And now me and you have to bail them out. Throw some anger their way.

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I didnt vote for Bush, and i dont have any affiliation with any party. I just couldnt get into the Obama hype, it felt like a Starbucks ad. Yes Bush was a bad president but Clinton wasnt any better and he has just as much a hand in this crap economy as Bush does. His whole thing was everyone in the US should own their own home and now our home owners market blows.


That's not entirely true. Yeah, the Clinton administration played a part in the collapse of the housing market..and the current financing situation. But there were many chances over the last 8 years to put regulations in place to keep the bottom from falling out.

Yeah..Clinton's administration basically told these lenders to go out and loan to everyone and their mama's...but no one forced people to get these loans. no one handed them the money. People are stupid if they get loans they can't afford..point blank. That's not Bush's or Clinton's fault. What IS their fault was that they were warned this was going to happen....that at some point this shit would catch back up to the lending institutions...and nothing was done about it. Matter of fact..wasn't McCain AGAINST that regulation? I could be wrong...

The opening up of the loans wasn't the main problem. The problem was that people are idiots..and there were no checks and balances in place to keep the bottom from falling out if the worst was to happen. Greenspan said it himself..he thought the industry would police itself...and it didn't.

You want to blame someone? Blame the people making MILLIONS of DOLLARS in these companies that KNEW this was happening, but inflated #'s to line their pockets with more money. And now me and you have to bail them out. Throw some anger their way.

trust me as a business owner i want to strangle someone that makes millions via number inflation and all that other BS, trust me a want to choke a bitch.

I agree that its not all Clintons fault but he started the whole ball rolling and Bush should have halted it or at least tried to. I also think as citizens we dropped the ball on our spending and loans put us in a bad spot.

I persoanlly think this gov doesnt work, but again thats just me.

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trust me as a business owner i want to strangle someone that makes millions via number inflation and all that other BS, trust me a want to choke a bitch.

I agree that its not all Clintons fault but he started the whole ball rolling and Bush should have halted it or at least tried to. I also think as citizens we dropped the ball on our spending and loans put us in a bad spot.

I persoanlly think this gov doesnt work, but again thats just me.

Let me expand on that...

This govt tends to work for some, more than others.

We need to take it back.

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