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Springtime at OU has finally hit


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lol my dad took my lil brother up last Saturday for a walk through. My dad called me drooling from the skirts walkin around.




at the end of the day they are all good.


Sure, with Miami you have the rich little daddys hot bitches. But remember, you also deal with the 9,000 fags rockin' the pink poppin' collars.


Miami is a bunch of fucks.

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Sure, with Miami you have the rich little daddys hot bitches. But remember, you also deal with the 9,000 fags rockin' the pink poppin' collars.


Miami is a bunch of fucks.



don't be pissed just because you didn't get in. it wasn't like that when i went there, but its a FANTASTIC school---amazingly safe, great education, insanely hot psychotic girls, the best greek system of ANY campus ANYWHERE, decent sports, decent parties, beautiful campus, etc. i'd have no problem sending my kids there.

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don't be pissed just because you didn't get in. it wasn't like that when i went there, but its a FANTASTIC school---amazingly safe, great education, insanely hot psychotic girls, the best greek system of ANY campus ANYWHERE, decent sports, decent parties, beautiful campus, etc. i'd have no problem sending my kids there.




That was a nice effort at an insult but I DID get accepted to Miami.

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That was a nice effort at an insult but I DID get accepted to Miami.




then you missed out on a great time. by the way, why would you apply there if you knew everyone was a fuck??---if i thought everyone at a particular school was a fuck, i wouldn't apply there, that sounds pretty dumb--but not unexpected, i guess.


i'll have a big mac value meal, by the way--and don't short change me on fries this time damnit.

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then you missed out on a great time. by the way, why would you apply there if you knew everyone was a fuck??---if i thought everyone at a particular school was a fuck, i wouldn't apply there, that sounds pretty dumb--but not unexpected, i guess.


i'll have a big mac value meal, by the way--and don't short change me on fries this time damnit.


Why are you getting so bent out of shape because I commented on the current generation of people who go to Miami? Do you pop your collar? Do you wear pink shirts? I don't see why you are so offended.


I can read your fucking posts and know who has a higher chance of working at McDonalds. You are on the same grammar level as my little sister.


I am just trying to bring back the OU - Miami rivalry that once was. :D

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I can read your fucking posts and know who has a higher chance of working at McDonalds. You are on the same grammar level as my little sister.


I am just trying to bring back the OU - Miami rivalry that once was. :D



you read all of my posts??? wow, i'm honored. there IS no rivalry between the two schools, one is clearly better. i can't speak for people who go there now (no, i don't pop my collar, but the wife did buy me a pink shirt), but put it this way: all four of my cousins graduated from OU with degrees, and both of my siblings went to miami (its a true story). the cousins are all looking for jobs to pay them $40k and are having very little luck--i feel bad for them--not that money is everything.


in your profile, it says you're only 19, so get your degree, and $40k/yr. job before you rule out the possibility of a mcdonalds career.


now lets see some pics damnit.

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Miami and OU are rival schools and always have been.


Plus, your cousins probably aren't as fucking genius as me. So....






genius........at least you've got a sense of humor. enjoy college, seriously, live it up--i did. when you get out in the real world you'll realize you don't know shit, and that's when the real learning begins. i'm aware the two schools are rivals, but that doesn't mean they are equals. but college is what you make of it--i went to grad school with plenty of people from ivy league schools who were far less prepared to succeed.

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