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Being sick kicks ass!!!!

V8 Beast

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I just spent the last 8 hours over at Riverside in the ER. After fighting a fever, headache, and a really bad cough I finally go. I usually stay away from doctors, but my wife complained to the point that I went just to shut her up. After sitting there for a few hours they come back and tell me that I have pneumonia. So to make a long story short... I will be in the bed for the next few days being waited on hand and foot by my wife.


I think its time for my sponge bath :p

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what kinda meds did they put you on?...i believe i have this as well, i've been like this for weeks now, wheezing, severe coughing, trouble taking deep breath.... in and out of fevers and constant headaches.


i don't have and health insurance :( but at least my dad is a pharmacist so i can get free meds.

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While you were outside enjoying the weather I was laying in my bed, sipping juice, and feeling the breeze flow over my scalp (from the open window in my bedroom). My wife then brought my x box 360 up the stairs and gave me a massage while I played NBA Street. From there she fed me dinner (roast with potatoes and carrots) and held a damp cloth to my head until I fell asleep.
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what kinda meds did they put you on?...i believe i have this as well, i've been like this for weeks now, wheezing, severe coughing, trouble taking deep breath.... in and out of fevers and constant headaches.


i don't have and health insurance :( but at least my dad is a pharmacist so i can get free meds.


Z-pack, inhalor, extra strength tylenol, and ic hydrocodone compound syrup mor

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