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Good'ol patriotic energy and defense contractors...

Science Abuse

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Why be sad??? According to the libs they are the most evil company ever.


Its not really, I just dont understand how they "won" all those government contracts w/o another bidder... hrmmm I dunno....


Think they would have all this money had they not "won" all those bids?

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Billions gets allocated to go into Iraq.

Money is diffused in Iraq, a huge ammount goes to PMCs like Haliburton.

In theory, this comes back into the states and stimulates the economy.

In reality, it makes a few people very rich, especially if they are not held to any requirements to obtain our money.

On of the biggest such companies just moved overseas. Bye Bye American tax dollars, we'll never see you again.

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Its not really, I just dont understand how they "won" all those government contracts w/o another bidder... hrmmm I dunno....


Think they would have all this money had they not "won" all those bids?


No other company able to provide those services on a short notice. Not all government contracts have a bidding process.

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Eli's point is that there will be no more decent jobs and econimical infastructure left in the US if our government keeps giving wonderful tax breaks to companies that are based outside the US.


Almost right....

The U.S. goverment did not give them a tax break. IIRC, Dubai does not have a tax treaty with the U.S. Goverment, so any money that the company generates in the form of dividends will be taxed when they are paid to any investors here in the U.S.

If anything this move is a result of the tax rates here being so high. If we switched to a flat tax rather than rewarding sucess with a higher tax bracket perhaps more companies would stay here rather than moving to a tax shelter somewhere over seas.

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OMFGBBQ N0 F'INGZ WAY!!!1!!11!one!

Rebuttle?....going once?.....going twice?.....

You cannot deny that the last 6 years have been the most profitable in history for many corporations closely affiliated with the administration and their party.


Dude your are going to have an aneurysm!!!!!!!1


Big breath in... count to ten 1...2...3...4...5....6...7...8....9...10..


People and companies make money in wars, since the beginning of time.That is just the way it is. I think big companies are good for the economy. They employee those that do not have the skills to own and run the companies. If Halliburton make Billions good for them, I think I will buy their stock. :D


BTW you provide most of your own rebuttals.. :D

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Guest Mushijobah
What is with the liberal’s obsession in keeping corperations here illegally? The constitution stresses freedom. Why revoke stockholders freedom of making money? I think they are the selfish ones...
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Exactly how I feel Mushijobah. Taxes really hurt everyone in the economy. I know they hurt me especially since I don't use most of the things that tax money goes to. At least the money going into the war produces me some nice Military Channel shows.


Anyone else feel that someone should be allowed to make say 15K per year and have 2 kids and a wife that don't work and then get a tax rebate of like 4K? I have a serious problem with this and my brother is the person I'm talking about so I do understand. They just use the money for drugs and booze too which I think is just great. He should go to jail forever IMO.



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It wasn't a point. I was making a suggestion as you seem very interested in relocating. What else would you like to know about my post? The font type? Where I posted from?


Sorry bro, I served in the military and provided some of the freedom you utilize in making inane nonsensical rants about how you were too much of a pussy to do the same thing. I love my country and feel the need to make sure it remains a country of true democracy, which is currently in question. I will vote at every election to ensure the freedoms I served for are maintained. If you would like to be some sort of sheep and follow blindly whatever leader is voted into office, then that is your right and I will support it fully. I will use my earned freedom of speech to tell you that people with your mentality, whether voting or not, will ultimately result in the demise of what we view as a free society.


If you can read, try and get ahold of Noam Chomskys "Welfare for the Rich". However, I doubt you'll try to understand my side of the argument before you debunk it.



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