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Good'ol patriotic energy and defense contractors...

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Sorry bro, I served in the military and provided some of the freedom you utilize in making inane nonsensical rants about how you were too much of a pussy to do the same thing. I love my country and feel the need to make sure it remains a country of true democracy, which is currently in question. I will vote at every election to ensure the freedoms I served for are maintained. If you would like to be some sort of sheep and follow blindly whatever leader is voted into office, then that is your right and I will support it fully. I will use my earned freedom of speech to tell you that people with your mentality, whether voting or not, will ultimately result in the demise of what we view as a free society.


If you can read, try and get ahold of Noam Chomskys "Welfare for the Rich". However, I doubt you'll try to understand my side of the argument before you debunk it.




Before you go ahead and try to insult me more, I actually looked around a bit for "Welfare for the Rich". Is it a book, an article, something else? I've found little to nothing while looking for that.


I'm a little confused at why an ex-militaryman would be using his served time as a "bragging right" to someone who hasn't served. Anyone in this country living their life, excercising their rights is in no way a "pussy". I'm not sure if it makes you feel macho or what but it was uncalled for. I apologize for my previous post, as I was just posting a random blurb, as I have seen you do quite a bit in others' posts: once again, sorry, I was unaware that as non-military personel, I can't do that.


I've found a lot of information about this Chomsky fellow. Interesting to see he has a lot of anarchistic beliefs and is really against anything labeled as "conservative." I do agree with him that nobody in our nation today is truly conservative, in the original sense; they left generations ago.


Now to about this subject: this is a free market. You can call this country anything you want but you know as well as I do that it's not communistic. That era is for the most part, over. So why hold any corporation here then? You're free to move about. Every business owner posseses ownership for one reason: to make money. Any true entrepreneur is in it for that reason. No, I don't see a problem here.


I see a problem with taxes. I understand we won't get away from taxes, for a long time. Hell, some taxes are actually needed for good things. I see taxes going to helpless people, hopeless prison systems, housing projects that never get completed..etc. This is where the problem lies; not with people trying to make money.

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Now to about this subject: this is a free market. You can call this country anything you want but you know as well as I do that it's not communistic. That era is for the most part, over.



Odd that you would say that, the lecture I was thinking of was "Free Market Fantasies", and I am uploading it so you can have a listen. If you truly do feel as strongly as you say you do, you could learn a lot by reading more of Chomskys literature. There is an abundance of his lectures available for download, but I get burned out on hearing him. His written works are much easier to stomach.


I agree, this country is not at all communistic. I actually feel that our social system would be improved by implementing some communist ideas. I feel that we are heading more toward a caste system every day, and I think this is something we should try and avoid. I think that corporations and the wealthy are represented in our government, and laws are being passed that benefit them more than the working class. I don't think it's right, and that's the subject of this thread.


If you don't like paying taxes, find out how this move by Haliburton effects your tax burden. Then get back to us and try and argue that it's a harmless move.


Edit: http://www.darkformula.net/files/Music/CR/

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Odd that you would say that, the lecture I was thinking of was "Free Market Fantasies", and I am uploading it so you can have a listen. If you truly do feel as strongly as you say you do, you could learn a lot by reading more of Chomskys literature. There is an abundance of his lectures available for download, but I get burned out on hearing him. His written works are much easier to stomach.


I agree, this country is not at all communistic. I actually feel that our social system would be improved by implementing some communist ideas. I feel that we are heading more toward a caste system every day, and I think this is something we should try and avoid. I think that corporations and the wealthy are represented in our government, and laws are being passed that benefit them more than the working class. I don't think it's right, and that's the subject of this thread.


If you don't like paying taxes, find out how this move by Haliburton effects your tax burden. Then get back to us and try and argue that it's a harmless move.


Big business: fine by me

Big government: not so much a turn on


I realize the government isn't what it used to be and some of this is okay by me. I don't want a government that can regulate a business just because other people aren't making money off of it. Someday I hope to have a business. I hope I can move about for what's in MY best interest. Not certain citizens. Can Haliburton's moves along with any other relocatee company affect my tax situation? I suppose, but that's not their fault. That's our tax-loving government's fault.


Now, I can understand you having beef with Haliburton sepcifically and all the fraud with their Iraq contracts. But I'm addressing ONLY about their move to relocate.

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I agree, this country is not at all communistic. I actually feel that our social system would be improved by implementing some communist ideas. I feel that we are heading more toward a caste system every day, and I think this is something we should try and avoid.

I was thinking more of an Aristocracy.

-If you think Reaganomics works for the middle-lower classes.

-If you don't think the rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer.

-If you think that the president is an honnest fellow working only for us.

Move to Pyongyang, you're kind is welcomed there.

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Reganomics does work, it still works every day. If you have a Job be thankful for it. The system is set up to provide "breaks" to those that own and operate businesses, and it is a good thing that it does. Otherwise many people would not have the job opportunities that they do. The advantages must be made to the business owners otherwise they will not have the incentive to employee you!


America does not have many poor people here. American poor people still have a car to drive, a pre paid cell phone, color tv, a roof over their head, free medical care, and so on. Go visit a third world country come back and tell me that America has so many "poor". While I am on my stump about the "poor", maybe the "poor" should get an education, stop being lazy and take a chance in life.


Since I went to school with "poor" people maybe I should have curled up into a ball and gave up on life. I did not do that because I knew that I wanted to have a better life than the others that I grew up with. I did not grow up wealthy, but I have made a good living for my family. The only thing separating the rich and the poor is the space between the ears.


Social programs only act to enslave people into helplessness. Communistic ideas do not work because it takes out the natural "greediness" of humans.

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Guest Mushijobah

It is so funny when people insist on extremely liberal economic policies when they still want to reap the sweet benefits of laissez-faire capitalism. The EU, which consists of 27 of the most prosperous countries in Europe, has a lower national buying power than that of the US. Their population also outnumbers ours by over 150,000,000. This is easily explained by their easier (lazier) lifestyle of less work. Although they live life with not as much drive as us Americans, most cannot enjoy the middle class lifestyle most of us live. To put it in better terms for you all, most cannot afford fast/sweet cars ever, when I would venture to say that a majority of working Americans could if that is what they wanted. A lot of Europeans envy it, and become extremely excited when visiting the States for its commercial super-plex’s such as Easton or Polaris. Places like that are few and far between even in France, Germany, UK. We take it for granted, and bitch about it, wanting more when in reality we are very lucky.


Continue bitching, Hillary humpers.

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Actually I was referring more to the company being funded by your tax dollars.

It's a little long but hey, I listened to that whole lecture you posted:




oh and



Our government represents us, not the other way around (atleast that's how it's supposed to be). I don't want my hard-earned money going to ANYONE that I don't personally grant it to.

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It's a little long but hey, I listened to that whole lecture you posted:




oh and



Our government represents us, not the other way around (atleast that's how it's supposed to be). I don't want my hard-earned money going to ANYONE that I don't personally grant it to.


I just got a video by Aaron Russo called "America... Freedom to fascism"


Good video about Federal income tax and so on. I am not one of the people who refuse to file or pay tax. I will wait for the 100th monkey effect to take place then I will jump on the band wagon. The way I look at it federal income tax is more like "protection money" for the Mob. You pay= no Jail

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I just got a video by Aaron Russo called "America... Freedom to fascism"


Good video about Federal income tax and so on. I am not one of the people who refuse to file or pay tax. I will wait for the 100th monkey effect to take place then I will jump on the band wagon. The way I look at it federal income tax is more like "protection money" for the Mob. You pay= no Jail

Kinda where I get at. Unfortunately, our government is more a bully then it should be. Freedom isn't really free anymore. Rather, you pay to get thigns you've already paid for and you pay to keep out of jail. Hell, if you're in jail, you can pay to get out.

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poor erok married yoko ono and now he thinks he's john lennon

lol, I'm too hairy.


The only ties Reaganomics has to my job is the fact that I work for a cutthroat bunch of tits who buy parts from China.


The "rabble rabble" from the right fringe has made this thread devoid of anything resembling productive. You kids have fun in your lil fort.

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lol, I'm too hairy.


The only ties Reaganomics has to my job is the fact that I work for a cutthroat bunch of tits who buy parts from China.


The "rabble rabble" from the right fringe has made this thread devoid of anything resembling productive. You kids have fun in your lil fort.

no...wait ... dont "Cut and Run" :D

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