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The autobahn may have a speed limit!!!!!


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I had heard that it was basically like our roads kinda


our slow lane is their 65mph lane (elderly& trucks) , the middle lane is for passing, and the fast lane is for well going fast.


They have also had less accidents than any other road in germany but when they do it's usually fatal

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There are still sections without limits but with all the developing cities and the autobahn going through them a lot of it has had speed limits for years.

Just look for the sign shaped in a white circle with 2 parallel lines going at a 45 degree angle, that signifies the the beginning and end of no speed limit zones!!

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They built those roads to be safer to drive fast on. The road is at least 2x as thick as they do them here in the states. Also the road crews are really on the ball, they replace the whole section of road if there are cracks and pot holes are un-heard of there. Also the roads are engineered to have nice straight aways and soft corners that you can take at high speeds.
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i also saw on tv they are slightly tilted to drain the rain.....?


Yep all the roads are, I want to say they call it, crested so that rain will naturally flow off of it. Most of our roads are suppost to be built the similar. They are to be higher in the middle lanes on a sperated highway or the middle of the road on connected roads to help drain the water.

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I had heard that it was basically like our roads kinda


our slow lane is their 65mph lane (elderly& trucks) , the middle lane is for passing, and the fast lane is for well going fast.


They have also had less accidents than any other road in germany but when they do it's usually fatal


It is only 2-lanes normally until you get close to a big city or interchange when it goes to 3 or more like in the states. The left lane is for passing ONLY. You are not to drive in that lane and can be ticketed for it *technically* if you aren't hauling the mail. The biggest thing is that trucks are NOT allowed in the left lane at any time unless marked to do so.


Also the speed limit in most areas around big cities is still 140kph/85mph so it's not like they are restricting much.


It's just a different mentality and RESPECT for the road unlike in the the USA. They are on the road to DRIVE not talk on the phone, paint face, eat, read, etc... :mad:

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27in thick over there, typically only 11in thick here for the highways and they use mostly if not all concrete which holds up far better than asphalt.


It's NOT 100% concrete on the autobahn. It's a different mixture but a large majority IS black top. They just have a different process that holds up better. Not to mention the workers take pride in the work and make it PERFECT unlike the roads here where anything is considered acceptable..... :mad:


Yeah, there are few stretches of road on the autobahn left that dont have speed limits.


A lot is still unrestricted but traffic has increased so much that it isn't safe for highspeed runs or testing.

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It's NOT 100% concrete on the autobahn. It's a different mixture but a large majority IS black top. They just have a different process that holds up better. Not to mention the workers take pride in the work and make it PERFECT unlike the roads here where anything is considered acceptable..... :mad:



The people here take pride in their work and do as they are paid to do, a big difference is the thickness as I said the roads there are over 2 feet thick.

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They built those roads to be safer to drive fast on. The road is at least 2x as thick as they do them here in the states. Also the road crews are really on the ball, they replace the whole section of road if there are cracks and pot holes are un-heard of there. Also the roads are engineered to have nice straight aways and soft corners that you can take at high speeds.


Actully Hitler built those roads during WW2 specifically for a fast way to transport troops and armorment long distances w/o obsticles. After the war was lost, to save face, he turned it into a nationwide highway, and engineered it the same way William Howard Taft engineered I-275... 1 mile of striat road for every 3 miles of road... why you ask? Believe it or not, to land planes, should the war errupt again and the enemy took out our airfields. After it was finished, it was used they used its long striat sections for breaking speed records, and Volkswagen testing, mainly the origianl Beetle. Shortly there after, Volkwange built thier own test track which happend to be in protected airspace, for top secrete development.


i also saw on tv they are slightly tilted to drain the rain.....?

Yep all the roads are, I want to say they call it, crested so that rain will naturally flow off of it. Most of our roads are suppost to be built the similar. They are to be higher in the middle lanes on a sperated highway or the middle of the road on connected roads to help drain the water.


Maybe some areas are, but the Autobahn is designed a differently. Its actully built sloped to the right 12 degrees. This not only helps drian water off, but it also tends to push out of control vehicals off to the side of the road, rather than through the mediam and into oncoming traffic.


They built those roads to be safer to drive fast on. The road is at least 2x as thick as they do them here in the states. Also the road crews are really on the ball, they replace the whole section of road if there are cracks and pot holes are un-heard of there. Also the roads are engineered to have nice straight aways and soft corners that you can take at high speeds.


The thickness helps to prevent all those cracks that develope on our roads. Because the condition of the roads are so good, thats what makes them safer to drive at highspeed. The road crews are on the job 24hrs a day. They constantly do preventitive maintainence on the road. They have a different truck for everyjob, they even have one for cleaning the little white posts that signify mile markers... thats all it does, 24hrs a day. Very rarely so you ever see major construction on the autobahn.

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2-feet thick has nothing to do with the top 2-inches going to SHIT sooner. Not to mention when they cut out a section and input new YOU CAN NOT feel it in the car. Over here it's a damn 1/2" gap or more between sections, and driving down a normal road feels and sounds like (Dump....dump....dump....dump....etc..) EVERY 2-4 seconds... :confused:
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The tilt is common or they make a crown in the road making the center the highest point to drain water. I've never heard of the design like that to make the cars slide away from the center of the road but it makes sense in that aspect but also makes all curves off-camber which is not good.
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The tilt is common or they make a crown in the road making the center the highest point to drain water. I've never heard of the design like that to make the cars slide away from the center of the road but it makes sense in that aspect but also makes all curves off-camber which is not good.


First off, i was wrong, its not 12 degrees, its 4... i confused myself.


The road itself i believe is 37ft wide, and at 37ft, the 4 degrees is only a matter of inches on the height difference... i think its like 3 or 4inches... which isnt that much really.

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