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I though i'v seen it all


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This morning as everyone nows it was raining bet the band. i get to work and this one weird ass tech is there coverd in water. about 20 min later i smell something buring. then about 2 min later i see smoke come out of the break room. thinking someone put a cigerate butt in the trash. Me and another tech go into the break room with the service manger and see a shit load of smoke but no fire. The weird tech comes in and says "Its ok i put my socks in the microwave and i got them in just enough time". the service manger ask why was your socks in the microwave the tech said "Because they were wet". and the sad thing is at my work we have a washer and dryer there. I'v seen a guy drive a car with no doors setting on a milk crate,i'v even seen a crazy lady bang on peoples windows in rush hour downtown. but i though i would never see a guy try to dry his socks by putting them in the microwave.
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