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posi gm 10 bolt

Guest Lowered_93_SBC_S10

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Guest Lowered_93_SBC_S10

i have a rear end out of a 89 camaro RS which every time i hit the gas both tires would smoke for ever even when i had 10" m)t et streets on it, was told it was a 3:73 gear but i am not sure it is a drum break set up complete drum to drum $150 obo trade its in my dads way he says it has to go asap





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Guest Lowered_93_SBC_S10
i am not sure but i dont think the rearend itself will work but i know the gear/posi unit will work for sure b/c they are both a 7.5" 10 bolt give me a call i will try to find out for you Tim
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Somehow my friend destroyed my last rearend and I havent got it back yet to take apart but i know you can see the gear teeth in housing cover. So im assuming the worse and needing new axles, but I wont know for sure until I do tear it apart. Let me know if you come up with anything.



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